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Community Organizations Australasian Legal Information Institute
Australasian Legal Information Institute
Australasian Legal Information Institute
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Level 12, Building 10
New South Wales
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AustLII, Faculty of Law
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
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AustLII is Australia's most popular online free-access resource for Australian legal information, serving the needs of a multitude of users with over 700,000 hits daily. AustLII is a joint facility of the UTS and UNSW Faculties of Law.

The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) provides free internet access to Australasian legal materials. AustLII's broad public policy agenda is to improve access to justice through better access to information. To that end, we have become one of the largest sources of legal materials on the net, with over four million searchable documents.

AustLII publishes public legal information -- that is, primary legal materials (legislation, treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals); and secondary legal materials created by public bodies for purposes of public access (law reform and royal commission reports for example) and a substantial collection of law journals.



Displaying 186 - 190 of 259

Valuation of Land Regulations.


These Regulations implement the Valuation of Land Act by providing the forms required under the Act and determining the fees for certified copies of entries in valuation roll.

Implements: Valuation of Land Act. (2014-06-02)

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Regulations.


These Regulations implement the Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act by providing specifications on the register of stock routes (sects. 4-5), the use of stock reserves (sect. 6), way bills (sects. 7-12), licences for public watering places, inspections and disposal of straying stock (sect. 33).

Implements: Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act. (2002-01-01)

Land Title Act.


This Act consolidates and reforms the law about the registration of land and interests in land. It consists of 220 sections and is divided into 14 Parts and completed by two Schedules. Under Part 2, the Registrar-General is required to keep a land register and has the power to hold inquiries and to demand fees. Part 3 is dedicated to the operation of the land registrar, Part 4 to the registration of lands, Part 5 to joint holders and Part 6 to transfer, leases, mortgages, easements and trusts.