Constitute was developed by the authors of the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. It was seeded with a grant from Google Ideas, with additional financial support from the Indigo Trust and IC2. Arabic Constitute was developed in partnership with International IDEA, which provided significant intellectual and material support. Semantic data structures were created by the Miranker Lab at the University of Texas using Capsenta's Ultrawrap. Site architecture, engineering, and design are provided by Psycle Interactive.
Why Constitute?
New constitutions are written every year. The people who write these important documents need to read and analyze texts from other places. Constitute offers access to the world’s constitutions that users can systematically compare them across a broad set of topics — using an inviting, clean interface.
Displaying 116 - 120 of 197Constitution of Saint Kitts and Nevis 1983
The constitution was promulgated by Queen Elizabeth II through an Order in Council upon independence.
Constitution of El Salvador 1983 (rev. 2014)
The constitution was adopted by a Constituent Assembly.
Constitution of Turkey 1982 (rev. 2011)
The constitution was drafted in a Consultative Assembly and approved in a national referendum.
Constitution of Honduras 1982 (rev. 2013)
The constitution was drafted and approved by a National Constituent Assembly.
Constitution of China (People’s Republic of) 1982 (rev. 2004)
The constitution was adopted and promulgated by the National People's Congress.