MISEREOR is the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation. For over 50 years MISEREOR has been committed to fighting poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America. MISEREOR’s support is available to any human being in need – regardless of their religion, ethnicity or gender.
Changes cannot be prescribed from outside. MISEREOR therefore believes in supporting initiatives driven and owned by the poor and the disadvantaged. This is because in MISEREOR’s experience it is they themselves who possess the strength to improve their lives sustainably. We support them in their efforts in accordance with the principle of help toward self-help. On the ground, projects are run by local organisations. This ensures that the project work is geared to the needs and way of life of the people involved.
Displaying 11 - 15 of 162014 CSO Land Reform Monitoring: Towards an Accountable Governance on Land in Asia
This publication is a collection of 2014 CSO land reform monitoring reports on the status of land tenure and access to land from seven Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, and the Philippines). The book also reflects the recent expansion of the monitoring initiative to a ridge-to-reef framework providing a more holistic approach in addressing ancestral lands, rural lands, and marine resource concerns.
2014 CSO Land Reform Monitoring: Towards an Accountable Governance on Land in Asia
This publication is a collection of 2014 CSO land reform monitoring reports on the status of land tenure and access to land from seven Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, and the Philippines). The book also reflects the recent expansion of the monitoring initiative to a ridge-to-reef framework providing a more holistic approach in addressing ancestral lands, rural lands, and marine resource concerns.
Enhancing Land Reform Monitoring Effectiveness: A Toolkit for CSOs
This framework aims to help civil society organisations to monitor land reforms. It identifies indicators on outcomes on land tenure and access to land that will help CSOs critically examine whether the rural poor’s land tenure is more secure, and whether their access to land has been enhanced.
Facts 33: Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests
Why are the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests important?
Securing the Right to Land: A CSO Overview on Access to Land in Asia
Land Watch Asia (LWA) is a campaign undertaken by a loose coalition of organizations with a view to supporting and advancing the advocacy for access to land in Asia, particularly in the six participating countries, namely: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines. LWA campaign ensures that the issues of access to land, agrarian reform, and equitable and sustainable development in rural areas are addressed in national and regional development agendas. It seeks to serve as a monitoring mechanism to assess the status of agrarian reform in the region.