The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. It is headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with regional offices across Asia and Africa. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. IWMI is a member of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.
IWMI’s Mission is to provide evidence-based solutions to sustainably manage water and land resources for food security, people’s livelihoods and the environment.
IWMI’s Vision, as reflected in the Strategy 2014-2018, is ‘a water-secure world’. IWMI targets water and land management challenges faced by poor communities in the developing countries, and through this contributes towards the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger, and maintaining a sustainable environment. These are also the goals of CGIAR.
IWMI works through collaborative research with many partners in the North and South, and targets policymakers, development agencies, individual farmers and private sector organizations.
Displaying 876 - 880 of 959Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 perimetres irrigues autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice II: Rapport sectoriel hydrauliqueAnalysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir...
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with hydraulics.
Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 perimetres irrigues autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice III: Rapport sectoriel socio-economiqueAnalysis-diagnosis and performance of five res...
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with the socio-economic aspects.
Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 perimetres irrigues autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice 1: Rapport sectoriel agronomiqueAnalysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-...
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with agronomy.
Alternative approaches to cost sharing for water service to agriculture in Egypt
Combines and interprets results from a number of studies that were designed to help the Egyptian government formulate a rational approach to sharing the costs of water services among the beneficiaries-agriculture and other users-and government. Highlights lessons transferable to other countries.
A plot of one's own: gender relations and irrigated land allocation policies in Burkina Faso
Explores the effects of plots allocation on women's labor contributions in the Dakiri irrigation system of Burkina Faso. Compares intra-household distribution of income derived from agricultural activities when men are the sole owners of plots to income distribution when both men and women within the same household own irrigated plots.