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Library Law No. 2.734 establishing norms for public lands and infrastructures selling and concession.

Law No. 2.734 establishing norms for public lands and infrastructures selling and concession.

Law No. 2.734 establishing norms for public lands and infrastructures selling and concession.
Lei n. 2.734 de 27 de Abril de 2012.

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This Law, consisting of 3 Chapters, establishes norms for public lands and infrastructures selling and concession within the State of Rondônia. It specifies legal and administrative proceedings, authorization criteria and other necessary matters related to selling, cession, concession and use of any land property (including infrastructures) within the State. It establishes that the Executive is authorized, through the General Coordination of Administrative Support (CGPI), to perform activities of identification, demarcation, cadastre, registration and inspection of lands and infrastructures of the State, as well as regulate the settlement and occupation of these public lands and celebrate contracts for private initiatives.

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Valerio Tranchida (CONSLEG)

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