Resource information
This Decree of the Ministry of Environment implements in Norway EC Council Directive 83/189 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, as amended. The scope is to prevent damage caused by accidental or intentional release of micro organisms to public health or the environment. It does not apply to micro organisms covered by other Acts including the Plant Protection Substances Act, the fertilizer Act, the Food Act, and the Genetically Modified Organisms Act. Section 3 gives a definition of "micro organisms": all micro units which are capable to transform themselves in or to transfer genetic material, including viruses, one-celled plants or animals, mould and yeast cultures. Production, importation, or placing upon the market microbiological products shall be declared to the Product Register. icrobiological products are products containing micro organisms for a specific purpose. The declaration shall contain sufficient information in order to assess risks for health and environment. Microbiological products shall be labelled in accordance with section 5. (11 sections completed by an Annex containing rules regarding declaration and labelling of microbiological products).
Implements: Act No. 79 of 1976 relating to the control of products and consumer services (Product Control Act). (2011-03-03)