Resource information
The Act (31 sections) is divided into 5 Parts, i.e.: Preliminary (I); Board of Surveyors (II); The Register (II); Registered Surveyors (IV); and Miscellaneous (V).The Board of Surveyors, constituted under this Act, keeps a register of surveyors and deals with offences of and charges against surveyors. The board shall cause a notification of the registration of every surveyor to be published in the Gazette. The Act contains the requirements to be a registered surveyor and describes the powers and duties of surveyors (right to make surveys, entry upon land). Part V contains rules concerning, inter alia, witnesses, penalties, examinations, fees, regulations, evidence, taxation of bill and reporting.
Implemented by: Surveyors (General) Regulation 1999. (1999-09-01)
Implemented by: Surveyors (Practice) Regulation 1996. (1996-09-11)
Implemented by: Surveying Regulation 2001. (2003-06-27)
Implemented by: Surveying Regulation 2006. (2006-09-01)