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The Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales' (RZS NSW) main focus is to foster the study and conservation of Australia's unique native fauna. If you are passionate about the study and conservation of Australia's exceptional wildlife, do join our society today. We depend upon the support of our members.
Displaying 6 - 9 of 9Landscape legacies: Koala habitat change in Noosa Shire, South-east Queensland
Present day Australian landscapes are legacies of our colonial history, while future landscapes will be legacies of ecological processes and human impacts occurring today. This paper investigates the legacies of European settlement of Noosa Shire, South-east Queensland, with particular emphasis on the economic and political drivers and the resultant loss and fragmentation of Koala Phascolarctos cinereus habitat.
Swimming against the current: the Brown Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peronii success story
Seven potential anuran breeding sites within Western Sydney were sampled between March and August 1997 to assess the effect of habitat disturbance upon species assemblages. The greatest species diversity and abundance was recorded in relatively less human impacted areas, than in more disturbed sites. Of the seven species recorded to chorus during cooler months, only Limnodynastes peronii successfully breed and only in disturbed sites. The species was also more abundant in such areas than more pristine habitat.
state of Australia's avifauna: a personal opinion and prediction for the new millennium
A consequence of the European colonization of Australia has been a significant ioss of biodiversity: one in four mammal species is either extinct or threatened. In contrast, only one species of bird has been lost from the Australian continent and there is less concern for the survival of the Australian avifauna than for mammals. This is despite the fact that nearly one in five bird species is listed as threatened or of âspecial concernâ.
introduced Honeybee Apis mellifera and the Precautionary Principle: reducing the conflict
For more than 20 years there has been conflict arising from different points of view concerning the role of the introduced honeybee. There is a strong prima facie argument, and some supporting evidence, that introduced honeybees are likely to adversely affect the environment. Some land management agencies have consequently adopted a policy of removal of hive honeybees from areas devoted primarily to conservation.