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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 951 - 955 of 2117

RVO Insurance Conv 23 Extra N&M


The covenant focuses on the implementation of a responsible investment policy by Insurers, due to the international nature of this activity, and contains the agreements of the Parties with regard to investments. This involves preventing, limiting and, ifnecessary, repairing any negative impact on humans, animals and the environment as much as possible. The covenant contains agreements to clarify specific ESG themes and to support insurers in strengthening their policy and due diligence on these specificand other ESG themes. The themes primarily concern animal welfare, children's rights, land rights, climate change and controversial weapons and controversial arms trade (chapter 2 Covenant). Agreements have also been made regarding the investment policy of insurers; for example, an ESG due diligence procedure must be described, sector and/or theme-oriented policy must be drawn up and it must be made clear in which behaviors or sectors investments will not be made. Amnesty International (not part of the grant application) mainly contributes knowledge about human rights, but also children's rights, land rights and controversial arms trade. - Save the Children mainly contributes knowledge about children's rights, child labour, nutrition and also about health care. - Oxfam Novib mainly contributes knowledge about gender equality, land rights, access to medicines, climate change, fair taxation and the fight against corruption. - PAX mainly contributes knowledge about controversial weapons and the arms trade, protecting civilians and standing up for victims of human rights violations in conflict areas, and about natural resources in relation to conflict and human rights. - Nature and Environment contributes Nature and Environment contributes knowledge in particular about climate change, loss of biodiversity, the energy transition, the agricultural and food transition and the sustainable use of raw materials. - World Animal Protection mainly brings knowledge about animal welfare, but also about climate, biodiversity, the food transition and public health.

Strengthening the national greenhouse gas inventory of the Republic of Mauritius to improve climate reporting


To assist the Republic of Mauritius in strengthening its national greenhouse gas inventory and associated data collection process, and to mainstream greater use of the inventory in policy formulation and NDC tracking


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is aligned with GEF focal area CCM-3-8, i.e. “Foster enabling conditions for mainstreaming mitigation concerns into sustainable development strategies through capacity building initiative for transparency.” The project will contribute to the improvement of local and global environmental conditions through enhancing transparency related to GHG emissions, impacts of climate change, and mitigation and adaptation actions in the country. Strengthened MRV will allow the government to better assess investments in mitigation and adaptation measures, and may result in more efficient expenditures on climate-related activities, which in turn could optimize reductions in GHG emissions. Improved MRV will also allow the government to compare the relative costs and benefits of mitigation and adaptation measures so that it will be able to highlight and support cost-effective, high-impact adaptation measures. This project contributes to the country’s commitments under the UNFCCC to enable it to address climate change considerations (mitigation of GHG emissions and reduction of vulnerability to climate change). project activities contribute directly to increasing the extent to which state institutions base their actions on the principals of sustainable development and increasing the capacities of public actors to implement, monitor, and evaluate policies related to environment, climate change and nature protection. The enhanced MRV system to be proposed under Component 2 is designed to avoid duplication and result in an efficient system that will reduce time burdens and costs to state institutions in data collection and analysis. The project will also assist the country in achieving the SDG 13 by supporting the integration of climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning; building knowledge and improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning, and promotion of mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in the country. The project will also contribute to achieving SDG5 by supporting empowerment of women in decision-making, land ownership and through gender-sensitive budgeting.

Provision of Emergency NFI and Shelter to the people displaced by drought and conflict affected in Kurtunwa


The project will involve the distribution of 2500 NFI kits to 2500 HH (15000 people) displaced by repeated conflict and drought in Wenlaweyn and Kurtunwarey districts in Lower Shabelle region (5 IDP Camps Buulo Mareer town namely Xiin faniin, Xafad Jadiid, Daaydoog, Hormuud) and 5 IDP Camps in Wenla Weyn Namely Bakaal, Da'ud Bule, Teendho, Caga boore, and Hakabo) beneficiaries will be targeted based on vulnerability criteria that will prioritize women headed households, the elderly and children headed households especially girls. The beneficiaries will be distributed equally with each benificiary getting NFI kit comprising 1 Plastic Sheet, 3Blanket, 2 Sleeping mat, , 1Kitchen Set, 1 Mosquito nets, 1 Solar Lumps, 2 Chericans AYUUB will closely coordinate with Other Agencies distributing NFI's in the areas and start the project implementation with community consultations and coordination with Local Authority to identify vulnerable people displaced by the drought. This will include consultations with local authorities, community elders and host communities to identify and register the most vulnerable people for NFIs support. The project implementation will involve the following activities: 1. Beneficiaries registration: AYUUB will hold consultations with community members to jointly determine the targeting criteria, identify the most vulnerable and register beneficiaries for the NFIs and Shelter. AYUUB will prioritize the Most vulnerable people in the Targeted area . AYUUB will also target host communities to ensure that other vulnerable people within the target locations are also assisted based on needs and also avoid conflict between the host community and displaced people. We Consider Protection in our Shelter activiteis, during beneficiary identification we select beneficiaries with Specific needs, Marginalized communities, Female headed house hold and families with orphans, also during our community training we also ensure representation from all the above mentioned groups. 2. NFIs Throug In Kind distribution: AYUUB will distribute NFIs through in Kind distribution to 2500 households (15000 people) who include 3700 women, 3600 men, 3800 girls, 3900 boys. The age and gender disaggregation is based on the demographic profile in Somalia and prioritization of women and girls who are the most affected by displacements. The actual gender and age breakdown will be reported once beneficiary registration is completed. AYUUB will promote the dignity of the beneficiaries by placing the decision of the content of priority NFIs in their best interests. The approach will empower displaced people in prioritizing needs and give them the power of making decisions for their needs. 3. Shelter Kit though in-kind distribution to 2500 HH (15000) in Qoryooley district and will be distributed to the same IDP HH received NFI Kits and Provide 2500 Solar Lumps to 2500 HH. 4. Post distribution monitoring: Each distribution will be followed with a post distribution monitoring to get feedback on the distribution process and utilization of the NFIs kits, one month after distribution. 5. AYUUB Will do Community consultations and Meetings for the respective Communities from the 10 IDP Settlements to support community consultations at the initial beneficiary identification and registration, and secure land tenure mainstreaming. 6. AYUUB Will provide cash assistant Support for Construction of Shelter Kits to the targeted Communities themselves and Will be trained 100 Community members’ on Basic construction of ESK (Emergency Shelter Kit) to construct themselves after the receive of Shelter through in Kind