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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 6 - 10 of 2117

Emergency project to provide life-saving shelter assistance to 7,200 Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and ho


In the context of worsening drought conditions that have contributed to rising internal displacement in No.50, AVORD is submitting this proposal with the aim of providing essential Non-Food Items (NFIs) and emergency shelters to 7,200 IDPs and host community households. The target group will be selected from those impacted by drought with limited humanitarian support due to access difficulties and blockade. AVORD will adapt systematic approach to beneficiary selection with clear criterion to prioritize the most vulnerable such as the marginalized, unaccompanied children, older persons, persons with disability, single women, pregnant and lactating mothers, single headed-households, persons with chronic illness or psychological condition, large families and/or families with babies, toddlers or children attending school, persons at risk as identified by protection officers and those living in the open or in makeshift buuls without adequate access to shelter. The project team will undertake a vulnerability assessment involving documenting of household profiles in the target area to identify the most vulnerable who are in urgent need for shelter assistance. Data will be collected through a number of methods including structured interviews with households heads, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and direct site observation. Collected data to inform beneficiary selection will also be segregated by gender to ensure that no group is left-out. List of beneficiaries along with their contact numbers will be availed to SHF and other actors responding in the area as needed to avoid overlap. Mindful of the Somali context and utilizing its expertise in target locations, AVORD will pay attention to issues of diversity in the targeting process. Following need-based and transparent selection of beneficiaries, AVORD will provide affected households with standard NFI kits comprising of 1 Plastic Sheet, 3 Blankets, 2 Sleeping Mats, I Kitchen Set, 1 Mosquito Net, 1 Solar Torch and 2 Jerry Cans with the capacity of 10 Liters each. The proposed content in each set is based on current Shelter Cluster standards for people in humanitarian emergencies. Since there are no functioning NFI markets in No.50, AVORD will use an in-kind modality for provision of NFIs. Besides, emergency shelters will be constructed for newly displaced households living in the open or under deplorable shelter conditions. In the construction of these shelters, the project team will ensure adequate separation between individual household shelters and that pathways exist to provide all-weather access to individual dwellings and facilities. AVORD will closely coordinate with relevant line ministries of the South West Administration and No.50 District Authorities to secure land tenure for a minimum of 5 years before the construction of emergency shelters. The effectiveness of the aid package will be ascertained through Post Distribution Monitoring exercise thus ensuring that beneficiaries access their services safely and in a dignified manner. An elaborate feedback and complain mechanism will be setup to ensure accountability to the affected population. In the delivery of the proposed package, AVORD will seek Integration with other clusters and own interventions in the region to ensure complementarity, value for money and efficiency of the response.

Creating peaceful societies through improved management of natural resources, women's land tenure rights and e


Fostering women’s empowerment and access to political, legal, economic, and social rights is a core dimension of peacebuilding efforts. In Sierra Leone, land tenure and access to natural resources with economic exclusion lie at the heart of this debate. The complex land tenure and ownership system and unequal access to natural resources are among the primary causes of conflicts in Sierra Leone. Farmers – particularly women – operate in an informal and precarious system without sufficient legal safeguards. The project is time-sensitive, as the new Government has committed to the implementation of a long overdue land reform as well as a National Gender Strategy, both of which, on paper commit to non-discrimination and gender equality within an overhauled land tenure system. The project is innovative, being the only initiative in the country that combines the promotion of women’s land tenure security, economic empowerment, and peacebuilding, anchored on the implementation of land policy. The project will enhance women’s access to and control over land and at the same time strengthen their economic opportunities through business skills and knowledge, gender-sensitive financial products and ability to cooperate effectively. The project is also in line with the Government’s efforts to foster national cohesion, as dialogue will augment local conflict preventions and peaceful resolution of disputes, with the support of a network of trained insider mediators. The project relies on innovative methods in its implementation, including the use of an innovative geospatial technology “System for Open Land Administration (SOLA)” an Open Tenure software developed by FAO, with a gender-sensitive, community-based approach to record land rights and tenure relationships in the field, including rules on tenure dispute resolution. Improving the governance of tenure will require engaging a broad range of stakeholders with different and sometimes conflicting interests. Building on the existing wide consensus on the need to strengthen women’s empowerment and participation at all levels of society, as well as to sustain social cohesion by preventing escalation and political use of land conflicts. The project will serve as catalyst to mobilize local and national political will to engage powerful elites who benefit from weak tenure governance and in a system that engenders women’s exclusion.

Ballarpur International Graphic Paper Holdings B.V.


IFC is considering a potential investment consisting of debt and/or equity in Ballarpur International Graphic Paper Holdings (BIGPH), a company incorporated in the Netherlands. BIGPH owns subsidiaries which are leading pulp and paper manufacturers in India and Malaysia. BIGPH is a step-down subsidiary of Ballarpur Industries Limited (BILT or the Company and BILT together with its subsidiaries referred to as the Group), which is head quartered in India and is an IFC investee company (# 10066 in 2000) and (# 20798 in 2003). Part of the investment proceeds may be directed to Sabah Forest Industries (SFI), whose operations are located in Sabah state of Malaysia.


1. The Company will support rural households by sourcing wood from several thousand farmers, including marginal ones. In its existing locations, the Company helps farmers use more modern farming techniques to improve yield and provides an incentive to farms to meet quality standards. 2. IFC has shared with the Company some of the best available technology and practices to increase the efficiency of the forestry operations. Throughout the investment, IFC will support the Company''s efforts to implement the changes and improve its operations. 3. The Project will implement and obtain FSC or a similar certification of sustainable forest and land management that conserves biodiversity, soil and water resources and safeguards the health and ecological functions of ecosystems, and lead to a strong demonstration effect. 4. The pulp & paper industry in India remains fragmented. BILT is one of two high grade product (coated paper) producers in the country, and much of the demand is imported. Supporting the Company through restructuring will thus contribute to the overall modernization of the industry.

Creating peaceful societies through improved management of natural resources, women's land tenure rights and e


Fostering women’s empowerment and access to political, legal, economic, and social rights is a core dimension of peacebuilding efforts. In Sierra Leone, land tenure and access to natural resources with economic exclusion lie at the heart of this debate. The complex land tenure and ownership system and unequal access to natural resources are among the primary causes of conflicts in Sierra Leone. Farmers – particularly women – operate in an informal and precarious system without sufficient legal safeguards. The project is time-sensitive, as the new Government has committed to the implementation of a long overdue land reform as well as a National Gender Strategy, both of which, on paper commit to non-discrimination and gender equality within an overhauled land tenure system. The project is innovative, being the only initiative in the country that combines the promotion of women’s land tenure security, economic empowerment, and peacebuilding, anchored on the implementation of land policy. The project will enhance women’s access to and control over land and at the same time strengthen their economic opportunities through business skills and knowledge, gender-sensitive financial products and ability to cooperate effectively. The project is also in line with the Government’s efforts to foster national cohesion, as dialogue will augment local conflict preventions and peaceful resolution of disputes, with the support of a network of trained insider mediators. The project relies on innovative methods in its implementation, including the use of an innovative geospatial technology “System for Open Land Administration (SOLA)” an Open Tenure software developed by FAO, with a gender-sensitive, community-based approach to record land rights and tenure relationships in the field, including rules on tenure dispute resolution. Improving the governance of tenure will require engaging a broad range of stakeholders with different and sometimes conflicting interests. Building on the existing wide consensus on the need to strengthen women’s empowerment and participation at all levels of society, as well as to sustain social cohesion by preventing escalation and political use of land conflicts. The project will serve as catalyst to mobilize local and national political will to engage powerful elites who benefit from weak tenure governance and in a system that engenders women’s exclusion.

Ba River PPG


The objective of this PPG is to develop the project concept into a full project on Sustainable Forest and Forest Land Management in Viet Nam’s Ba River basin landscape to conserve forest biodiversity and maintain the flow of ecosystem services.