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Firenze University Press
Firenze University Press
FU Press
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L’Università di Firenze ha mostrato attenzione nei confronti dell’editoria digitale sin dal 2000, con un progetto varato sperimentalmente all’interno del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.


In seguito al successo di questa iniziativa viene creata Firenze University Press (FUP) con Decreto Rettorale n. 232 del 15 maggio 2003

Nell’anno seguente FUP viene trasformata in Centro Editoriale di Ateneo, rafforzando la sua posizione all’interno della Università di Firenze. Questa assicura da una parte un indotto di gran pregio per il materiale delle pubblicazioni della Casa Editrice, dall’altra si pone come garanzia di qualità di tutta la produzione. 

FUP, in prima linea nella continua ricerca di eccellenza e di innovazione tecnologica, ha compreso l’importanza di investire non solo nella produzione e distribuzione dei contenuti, ma anche nella loro conservazione attraverso l’archiviazione delle copie cartacee e digitali delle opere pubblicate presso le Biblioteche Nazionali e favorendo l’integrazione con gli archivi aperti a partire dal repository istituzionale dell’Università di Firenze:
FLORE (Florence Research)  

Nel 2007 Firenze University Press ha presieduto il convegno “L’editoria universitaria tra ricerca e mercato” presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. 



Displaying 16 - 20 of 28

Studies and researches regarding the urban policies impact on land valuation

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2013

The authors develop a concept paper on the economic valuation of land. They detail the basic principles corroborated with the direct factors that modify the mathematical parameters and also the impact of construction on the land. Starting from the principles of Darin Drabkin, the authors develop, within the concept of a market economy, an urban land sale procedure by optimizing the control of land instruments. This study asks about the expected consequences of increasing the tax rate on the land component of real estate while reducing the rate at which the improvement is taxed.

Andamento dei valori fondiari in Italia ed in Sicilia

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2013

The present study has two aims, to provide a further contribute to the literature on land market, and to highlight the possible relationships between some macroeconomic factors affecting the land values trend in Italy and in Sicily. The data obtainable from the available information sources in the field were collected and processed. More in detail, in the first part of the paper a reference scenario is described through the presentation of the general features of agricultural land market, relying upon the specific scientific literature.

‘We are not afraid of flooding’ …but what about landslide? The effects of assumed and perceived hazards on the value of residential locations

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2013

The issue of interest is as to whether it is possible to use the added value generated by the positive effect of having housing developments close to water to abate the negative effects that may arise in some of the same locations. This paper is based on a critical literature review together with expert interviews.

Real estate function impact on its value exemplified by the city of Gdańsk

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2013

Spatial planning is connected with speculations in real estate market, which deepens the process of urban sprawl. Adequate land management supporting  free market – both investment decision of businesses and location decisions of households – is necessary if amorphous city growth is to be prevented. A change, or even information about change in the local plan determines decisions in the real estate market. On the basis of the studies conducted it can be said that the factor causing the greatest value increment is the possibility of development.

Simulating housing prices in Lyon with UrbanSim: predictive capacity and sensitivity analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2013

Housing prices in the Lyon Urban Area are simulated with the land use framework UrbanSim interacting with transportation model. We focus on the Real Estate Price Model of the UrbanSim framework. This OLS regression model of housing prices is calibrated using a nine-year back-casting period. The calibrated model, applied in simulation, provides price dynamics similar to actual one in the centre of Lyon. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates the model’s ability to capture changes in employment accessibility on price dynamics.