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Displaying 31 - 35 of 259Botany Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013.
This Plan, made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, consists of the following Parts: Preliminary (1); Permitted or prohibited development (2); Exempt and complying development (3); Principal development standards(4); Miscellaneous provisions (5); Additional local provisions (6). This Plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in Botany Bay in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 33A of the Act.
Valuation of Land Regulations 2005.
These Regulations, consisting of 12 sections completed by two Schedules, implement the Valuation of Land Act 1971 by defining the annual value, establishing lands to be treated as forming part of the State Heritage and providing specifications on the carrying out of valuation operations.
Implements: Valuation of Land Act 1971. (2014-12-11)
Repeals: Valuation of Land Regulations 1991. (2007-07-01)
Native Vegetation Regulation 2005.
This Regulation provides for the management and conservation of native vegetation in New South Wales. Native vegetation includes trees, understorey plants, groundcover and plants occurring in wetlands of indigenous vegetation, i.e. species of vegetation that existed before European settlement.
Survey Regulations 2007.
These Regulations, made under the Survey Act 1992, consisting of 27 sections divided into three Parts and completed by one Appendix, is composed as follows: Preliminary (I); Licences and registrations (II); and Survey instructions (III). The Appendix specifies divisional penalties and expiation fees.
Implements: Survey Act 1992. (2017-03-15)
Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Regulation 2000.
The Regulation makes provision regarding the following: payments on land in irrigation areas or special land districts, interests on arrears, addition of land to perpetual leases, transfer of yearly leases, conditions for yearly leases, appeals, restrictions on the exercise of mortgagee's powers, devolution under a will or an intestacy, fees for the valuation of land, subdivision of holdings, redetermination of rent of certain leases, objections to, and appeals against, determinations or redeterminations, purchase of land held under lease, fees to be paid for surveys.