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Displaying 191 - 195 of 259Land Development Corporation Act.
This Act, consisting of 44 sections divided into six Parts, provides for the establishment and operation of the Land Development Corporation.
Land Title Act.
This Act consolidates and reforms the law about the registration of land and interests in land. It consists of 220 sections and is divided into 14 Parts and completed by two Schedules. Under Part 2, the Registrar-General is required to keep a land register and has the power to hold inquiries and to demand fees. Part 3 is dedicated to the operation of the land registrar, Part 4 to the registration of lands, Part 5 to joint holders and Part 6 to transfer, leases, mortgages, easements and trusts.
Real Property (Unit Titles) Act.
This Act, consisting of 24 sections divided into four Parts, provides for the registration of unit titles and is to be considered as part of the Land Title Act. It provides for the registration of units plans and defines the duties of the Registrar-General after the registration of a units plan.
Implemented by: Real Property (Unit Titles) Regulations. (1995-09-13)
Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal Act.
This Act establishes and regulates the operation of the Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal. Functions of the Tribunal include: to hear and make recommendations about objections to the acquisition of land under the Lands Acquisition Act, to hear and determine claims for compensation, to hear and make recommendations about applications for the grant of mineral titles, to hear and make recommendations about objections by registered native title claimants and registered native title bodies corporate to the doing of prescribed mining acts.
Valuation of Land Regulations 1991.
These Regulations implement the Valuation of Land Act 1971 by providing specifications on the carrying out of valuation operations.
Implements: Valuation of Land Act 1971. (2014-12-11)
Repealed by: Valuation of Land Regulations 2005. (2016-06-28)