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Land Portal Program
Land governance in IGAD region- Sudan country porfile
The document provides a comprehensive assessment of the land governance framework and institutions in Sudan, with a focus on policies, laws, and tenure systems relevant to land governance. It offers insights into the country's context, land administration, land taxation, and gender concerns in land governance. Additionally, it highlights the challenges, gaps, conflicts, and duplications in Sudan's land governance and provides recommendations for improvement. The legal framework governing land in Sudan is a complex blend of statutory and customary laws. Key policies include the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) 2005 and the Interim National Constitution (INC) 2005. The CPA established a National Land Commission to mediate land claims but does not address issues regarding land and natural resource ownership. The INC recognizes the rights of women and children, the right to own property, and the regulation of land tenure. However, the document notes that there is no unified legal framework of land tenure across the country, indicating a significant challenge in Sudan's land governance. The document underscores the need for coordination and unification in the country's land governance framework.
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