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Community Organizations AGRIS
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What is AGRIS?


AGRIS (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology) is a global public database providing access to bibliographic information on agricultural science and technology. The database is maintained by CIARD, and its content is provided by participating institutions from all around the globe that form the network of AGRIS centers (find out more here).  One of the main objectives of AGRIS is to improve the access and exchange of information serving the information-related needs of developed and developing countries on a partnership basis.


AGRIS contains over 8 million bibliographic references on agricultural research and technology & links to related data resources on the Web, like DBPedia, World Bank, Nature, FAO Fisheries and FAO Country profiles.  


More specifically


AGRIS is at the same time:


A collaborative network of more than 150 institutions from 65 countries, maintained by FAO of the UN, promoting free access to agricultural information.


A multilingual bibliographic database for agricultural science, fuelled by the AGRIS network, containing records largely enhanced with AGROVOCFAO’s multilingual thesaurus covering all areas of interest to FAO, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc.


A mash-up Web application that links the AGRIS knowledge to related Web resources using the Linked Open Data methodology to provide as much information as possible about a topic within the agricultural domain.


Opening up & enriching information on agricultural research


AGRIS’ mission is to improve the accessibility of agricultural information available on the Web by:





  • Maintaining and enhancing AGRIS, a bibliographic repository for repositories related to agricultural research.
  • Promoting the exchange of common standards and methodologies for bibliographic information.
  • Enriching the AGRIS knowledge by linking it to other relevant resources on the Web.

AGRIS is also part of the CIARD initiative, in which CGIARGFAR and FAO collaborate in order to create a community for efficient knowledge sharing in agricultural research and development.


AGRIS covers the wide range of subjects related to agriculture, including forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences and fisheries, human nutrition, and extension. Its content includes unique grey literature such as unpublished scientific and technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications, and more. A growing number (around 20%) of bibliographical records have a corresponding full text document on the Web which can easily be retrieved by Google.




Displaying 4216 - 4220 of 9579

Climate Change and the Potential Global Distribution of Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011
Afrique du Sud
Amérique septentrionale
Amérique du Sud
Afrique australe

We used the process-oriented niche model CLIMEX to estimate the potential global distribution of serrated tussock under projected future climates. Serrated tussock is a drought-tolerant, wind- and human-dispersed grass of South American origin that has invaded pastures in Australia, Europe, New Zealand, and South Africa. The likely effect of climate change on its potential global distribution was assessed by applying six climate-change scenarios to a previously developed model.

The possibilities for recultivation of overgrown areas in Slovenia

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2011

Still, more agricultural land is getting abandoned in Slovenia, specially in less favored areas. Such process of degradation of fertile land is most intensively present in the Obalno-kraska region and Goriska. Similar happens with grassland in mountain region as less and less animals which are suitable for that region are bred there. To prevent brush encroachment and to start recultivation of aban

Socio-economic issues in forest management in India

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

India's forest policy regime enacted so far had alienated the common users of their property rights in the name of forest and wildlife conservation. However, poor conservation outcomes have forced planners to reconsider the role of the forest community in resource use and conservation. Presence of a deep-rooted economic, social, cultural and ethical difference between members of Forest Protection Committee (FPC) constrains group behaviour and their capacity to modify regulations governing resource use.

Policy solutions in the U.S

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

The paper focuses on relocation, retreat, zoning, insurance, and subsidy as major dimensions of coastal hazard mitigation measures that have resurfaced as potent forces for combating coastal inundation and climate change. It reviews the issues surrounding the practice of these measures and discusses compatibilities of policies, engineering measures, and natural defense. Property rights, development interest, and distorted financial incentives pose as main barriers to coastal relocation and retreat policies in hazard-prone areas.

qualitative method for the spatial and thematic downscaling of land-use change scenarios

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Assessing the potential impact of future land-cover changes on habitat quality requires projections with a fine spatial and thematic resolution. The former is usually addressed by downscaling methods, often at the expense of the latter. We present a new, rule-based method to downscale land-use change scenarios to the landscape level while keeping a large number of land-cover classes (CORINE level 3). The method relies on the interpretation of European scenario storylines, the observation of past land-use changes, high-resolution regional data and expert knowledge.