La presente Resolución regula el Registro de titularidad compartida de explotaciones agrarias, adscrito a la Dirección General de Desarrollo Sostenible del Medio Rural del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, en el que se anotará toda la información concerniente a las…
La presente Ley, que consta de 7 títulos, 102 artículos, 2 disposiciones adicionales, 2 transitorias, 2 finales y 1 derogatoria, tiene por objeto la concentración parcelaria y la estructuración del suelo rústico para promover la constitución de explotaciones económicamente viables en el marco de…
La presente Ley tiene por objeto los contratos de cultivo, entendiendo por ellos los contratos de arrendamiento rústico, aparcería y, en general, todos los contratos, cualquiera que sea su denominación, por los cuales se cede onerosamente el aprovechamiento agrícola, ganadero o forestal de una…
The Decision proclaims the archeological zones A and B of the city of Shkoder according to the map attached to it and approves the regulation for its administration. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports is the responsible authority for its implementation. The Decision lays down…
Esta Ley regula el régimen de utilización y disposición del patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad de Aragón, constituido por los bienes inmuebles y aquellos sobre los que se tengan derechos reales y que sean susceptibles de explotación agrícola, ganadera o mixta. La Comunidad puede adjudicar esos…
These Regulations concern the fees to be paid to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority in respect of applications for permission to carry out development in the areas specified in the Schedule, such as waste disposal, land reclamation and livestock farm buildings.
This Order amends Order No. 475/2001 regulating for the environmental measures to be applied within Rural Development Plan - RURIS. The amendments concern the requirements to be met in order to issue the aforementioned financial assistance regime.
Amends: Order No. 475/2001 approving the…
This Regulation amends certain provisions part of the Regulation on land cadastre (Official Gazette 84/2007).Changes are related to the specific types of use of the official register and cadastre records, types of use of buildings and facilities, and other technical provisions regarding the…
The National Strategy for Poverty Reduction in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a multi-sectoral national strategy applying to the period of 2002-2005. Its main objective is accelerated economic growth and poverty reduction.The Strategy among others provides for measures for the…
The Regulation lays down the criteria and the rules of procedure for the implementation of the instruments of territory planning and development. It consists of two main parts covering General Provisions (1), and Territory Development (2). The Territory Development sets forth provisions on…
This Regulation determines which substances are considered pollutants for the agricultural land, their threshold limit values in the soil, measures to prevent the pollution of land and control of pollution of the land, with the goal of agricultural land protection: from degradation and to…
These provisions supplement the Eighth Schedule of the Environment and Development Planning Act, regarding the procedures to apply to certain types of development.
Amends: Development Planning Act, 1992 (Act No. I of 1992). (1992-01-17)