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Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

Les déficits pluviométriques périodiques ainsi que les fortes pressions humaines et animales dues à une croissance démographique élevée ont eu des impacts néfastes sur la plupart des écosystèmes et certaines espèces forestières. Différentes actions ont été réalisées afin de tenter de…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2001

Document technique de la FAO sur les pêches et l'aquaculture 411. Ce rapport, constitué de 23 études, décrit comment les attributions initiales de quotas de pêche (effort) ou de pêche (captures) transférables ont été effectuées dans le cadre de différents régimes de gestion des pêches à…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2001

FAO Documento técnico de pesca 411: El informe, que consiste en 23 estudios, describe la forma en que se ha llevado a cabo la asignación inicial de las cuotas de esfuerzo transferibles o de captura con arreglo a los distintos regímenes pesqueros en diversas regiones del mundo.Disponibles solo en…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2001

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Papers 411: The report, consisting of 23 studies, describes how the initial allocations of transferable fishing (effort) or fish (catch) quotas have been done by a variety of fisheries management regimes around the world.

Conference Papers & Reports
Octobre 2001

Communal tenure in South Africa has had rises and falls in favour. This section will look at the issue from a pragmatic perspective of choice. This involves assessing what issues inform whether South Africa can chose either to replace or to ignore communal tenure by analysing what is likely to…

Conference Papers & Reports
Octobre 2001

The paper asserts that in order to be effective it is important to work with and from existing tenure systems and to build upon them, rather than expect that they can be “demolished and replaced by efficient new systems”.  Experience both here and elsewhere in Africa also tells us that attempts…

Conference Papers & Reports
Septembre 2001

This paper argues that the focus in the community based natural resource management (CBNRM) literature on the devolution and decentralisation of state authority and responsibility over natural resources to communities does not pay sufficient attention to the role of the state in creating and…

Reports & Research
Septembre 2001

Focuses on tenure reform (as a necessary first step); securing rights for farmworkers and labour tenants; slow progress and key challenges in restitution; redistribution; what is to be done? Offers an overview of the key challenges facing land reform and suggests a number of ways in which the…

Reports & Research
Septembre 2001

An historical review of the land reform work of the South African Legal Resources Centre, a non-profit public interest law centre which seeks to use law as an instrument of justice by providing legal services for the vulnerable and marginalised. Includes the creation of the LRC; the challenge of…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2001

Trade liberalisation processes impact differently on men and women due to the fact that men and women have different roles in production. Despite the fact that women are actively involved in international trade, WTO agreements are gender blind and as such have adverse impacts on women. The…

Reports & Research
Juin 2001

Covers conceptual and historical background, constraints on land as a resource for development, 3 case studies, the constitutional and legal framework for tenure reform, conclusion.

Reports & Research
Juin 2001

Executive summary, background to Nkandla, livelihoods under threat, potential for agriculture, Oxfam GB’s findings – a role for agriculture?, impact of HIV/AIDS, what options for livelihoods?, conclusions.