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Displaying 205 - 216 of 1421
Reports & Research
Mai 2017

Census surveys of land transactions show that 203,300 hectares of KwaZulu-Natal’s commercial farmland transferred to previously disadvantaged South Africans over the period 1997-2003. This represents 3.8 per cent of the farmland originally available for redistribution in 1994. The annual rate of…

Reports & Research
Mai 2017

In Mozambique, changes in land access and use are shaping new landscapes, often at the expense of the poor. Despite progressive land legislation, elite groups and vested interests are consolidating land holdings while peasant producers are being dispossessed of their land and access to fertile…

Mai 2017

These Regulations amend the Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 with respect to various matters, with various references to the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 2011. Matters concern mainly documentation and certification. Regulation 30 on management rules as…

Journal Articles & Books
Avril 2017

This paper uses the case of South Africa’s latest land redistribution strategy known as the Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy, to explore whether, and how, research can have direct and positive impacts on beneficiaries of land reform. The study is situated within the practice of action…

Reports & Research
Avril 2017

This research report presents an assessment of local awareness in the Amajuba District of government's proposed Agri-Park and Agri-Village programmes. It also considers secondary data on international examples of Agri-Parks and Agri-Villages.

Legislation & Policies
Avril 2017

 Writ­ten sub­mis­sions on the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Draft Bill made to the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform 

Legislation & Policies
Avril 2017

 Writ­ten sub­mis­sions on the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Draft Bill made to the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform 

Institutional & promotional materials
Mars 2017

The dominant debates about land in South Africa often focus on the transfer of land from a few white hands to the black majority. The discussion seldom unpacks who constitutes the “black majority” as this is not a homogeneous group. In instances where the debate touches on land use, again the…

Reports & Research
Mars 2017

Identified the sand dunes that extend along the coast of eastern Pondoland and up to two kilometers inland as among the world’s 10 richest reserves of ilmenite, the ore that contains the metal titanium. MRC’s South African subsidiary Transworld Energy and Minerals (TEM), with a local partner,…

Conference Papers & Reports
Février 2017

A presentation focusing on facts about land and land dispossession in South Africa

Legislation & Policies
Février 2017

Writ­ten sub­mis­sions on the MPRDA Amend­ment Bill 15D of 2013 to the Gaut­eng Leg­is­la­ture, made on behalf of the Land Access Move­ment of South Africa (LAM­OSA), the Amadiba Cri­sis Com­mit­tee (ACC), and Bench Marks Foun­da­tion.

Reports & Research
Février 2017

This paper has been compiled by Ndifuna Ukwazi following extensive consultation with practitioners and experts in housing finance, architecture, social housing, city planning, urban design, and local and provincial government. Part One deals with the context of the Tafelberg site – the history…