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Displaying 1357 - 1368 of 1421

This Notice lists activities identified in terms of section 24(2)(a) and (d) of the Environmental Management Act, which may not commence without environmental authorization from the competent authority and in respect of which the investigation, assessment and communication of potential impact of…


These Regulations amend the Regulations in terms of the Deeds Registries Act in: regulation 28 (particulars of a deed wherein land is described), regulation 39 (authority for the performance of specified acts), regulation 44A (correctness of facts in preparing certificates), regulation 45 (…


This Act provides for the management and conservation of the sea-shore meaning the water and the land between the low-water mark and the high-water mark. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the State President shall be the owner of the sea-shore and the sea, except of any portion thereof…


This Act amends existing legislation by giving new definitions of "Minister" and other public bodies and officers and by updating certain other provisions.
Amends: Deeds Registries Act. (2000)
Amends: Sectional Titles Act, 1986. (1999)
Amends: Physical Planning Act. (…


This Act provides that, with effect from the date on which any person other than the developer becomes an owner of a unit in a scheme, there shall be deemed to be established for that scheme a body corporate of which the developer and such person are members, and any person who thereafter…


The Act consists of 47 sections divided into 10 Chapters: Definitions and applications of the Act (1); Juristic personality and legal system of tenure (2; Transfer and registration of communal land (3) Provision of comparable redress where tenure cannot be legally secured (4); The conduct of…


This Act provides for the protection of agricultural land in rural areas, i.e. land that not situated in urban areas (except for provisions for the control of weed that do apply to land in urban areas). The Act shall not apply to mountain catchment areas. The objects of this Act are to provide…


This Act establishes a system of integrated coastal and estuarine management in South Africa. The Act provides, within the framework of the National Environmental Management Act, for the coordinated and integrated management of the coastal zone by all spheres of government in accordance with the…


These Rules implement provisions of the Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 with respect to, among other things: appointment of members of the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession; a performance agreement between the Council and the Registrar as contemplated in section 8(2…


This Act provides with respect to the profession of property valuation, i.e. the determination of the value of immovable property. The Act provides for the establishment of the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession. The Council shall have powers with respect to, among other…


This Act makes provision with respect to a uniform system for effective immovable asset management within government. "Immovable asset" means any immovable asset acquired or owned by government, excluding any right contemplated in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,…


This Act: grants power to the President of South Africa to establish lake areas by Proclamation; establishes the Lake Areas Development Board for purposes of management of lake areas established under this Act; defines regulation-making powers of the Minister; and provides for other matters…