The purpose of this paper is to propose legal and policy enhancements that may prevent the cancellation of the legal force of zoning due to discord with the Korean Land Use Regulation Map (LURM) and secure legal stability. The legal force of zoning has been canceled because of the discordance of…
Torrential rainfall events associated with rainstorms and typhoons are the main causes of flood-related economic losses in Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea. The frequency and severity of flood damage have been increasing due to frequent extreme rainfall events as a result of climate change.…
Compacted soils affect global crop productivity and environmental quality. A field study was conducted from 2014 to 2020 in the northern Great Plains, USA, to evaluate the effect of various rooting systems on soil compaction in 2 yr rotations of camelina (Camelina sativa L.), carinata (Brassica…
Protected areas are places that provide diverse ecosystem services, including cultural ecosystem services. At the same time, the development and unbalanced use of natural resources in protected areas often create environmental threats and social conflicts. This study estimates the economic value…
The social interest in outdoor advertising signs, which have been recognized as an important element affecting impressions of a town, has been gradually increasing. However, when these signs are fully scattered around commercial areas, an oppressive feeling may be experienced by people, which…
Deforestation, land degradation, and unsustainable land management threaten our lives and are responsible, both directly and indirectly, for many economic, social and environmental issues. In particular, countries in Northeast Asia face the growing threats of desertification, land degradation…
Crowd sourced information submitted anonymously from the students of the class of 2017-2020 of the European Law School Programme from Maastricht University Faculty of Law.
To meet carbon emissions targets, more than 30 countries have committed to boosting production of renewable resources from biological materials andconvert them into products such as food, animal feedand bioenergy. In a post-fossil-fuel world, an increasingproportion of chemicals, plastics,…
To meet carbon emissions targets, more than 30 countries have committed to boosting production of renewable resources from biological materials andconvert them into products such as food, animal feedand bioenergy. In a post-fossil-fuel world, an increasingproportion of chemicals, plastics,…
Këto udhëzime janë instrumenti i parë i gjithanshëm botëror për të drejtat mbi burimet dhe administrimin e tyre që është përgatitur me negociata ndërqeveritare. Udhëzimet parashtrojnë parimet dhe standardet e pranuara botërisht të praktikave të përgjegjshme për përdorimin dhe mbajtjen në…
Over the past several decades, DRP Korea has suffered from extensive land degradation leading to the loss of livelihoods causing increased food insecurity. To restore degraded sloping land, the Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection of DPR of Korea (MoLEP), the Swiss Agency for…
Данные руководящие принципы являются первым всесторонним глобальным правовым документом, посвященным вопросам системы владения и пользования ресурсами и ее регулирования, который был подготовлен на основе межправительственных переговоров. В них установлены принципы и международно признанные…