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This Ministerial Decree establishes that industrial land shall be considered allocated to enterprises, organizations and institutions for realization of specific industrial purposes. Land survey service shall be the authorized state institution that shall allocate plots of land to the applicants…


This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of conducting inventory of public land fund with a view of ensuring reliability of land survey and mapping data with the insertion of modifications and changes in land areas, distribution of land by categories irrespectively of the form of…


This Law establishes basic principles of organization of local self-government at the level of administrative and territorial units, delimits jurisdictional competence thereof and ensure the right of local communities to self-government. Local self-government shall be based upon the following…


Item 14 shall be amended to add the following wording: “The provisions of this Regulation shall be applicable irrespectively of the form of property and/or ownership of the plots of land on which sites subject to licensing are located”.
Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 834 validating the…


Article 8 shall be amended to add the following wording: “after the wording purchase and sale shall be inserted the wording donation”.
Amends: Law No. 4 on management of agricultural land. (2001-01-11)


This Order establishes safety requirements related to storage and storage facilities, and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals for agricultural uses. Pesticides shall be classified in four classes in accordance with hazardousness risk: (a) extremely hazardous; (b) highly hazardous; (c…


This Law establishes legal, organizational and economic grounds of licensing system, the list of activities subject to licensing, the types of authorizations and permits, ensuring protection of legal rights of citizens and environment. The Act consists of 6 Sections divided into 32 articles: (1…


This Ministerial Decree establishes that authorization of aerial survey, geodetic and cartographic works shall be issued by the authorized state institution in the sphere of geodesy and cartography. Registration, recording and issuance of authorization shall be carried out with a view of…


This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of hunting and conservation of hunting resources. Common use hunting grounds shall comprise at least 20 percent of the total regional hunting areas (Art. 9). In order to use land areas for hunting purpose can be established public servitude (…


Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Irrigated agricultural land transferred for burying places shall not be used for other purposes”.
Amends: Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”. (2011-06-23)


Article 24 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Data related to registered rights can be released from the Unified Information System on Immovable Property through Internet in accordance with the modalities set forth by the Government”.
Amends: Law No. 153 “On registration of…


The Government, with a view of rational management of natural resources, conservation of biological and landscape diversity, decrees to transfer reserve land with total land area of 1068 ha, to the category of protected areas allocating it to the national park “Chon-Kemin”. State environmental…