Настоящее исследование по вопросам управления землепользованием в странах Восточной Европы и Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ) было подготовлено в качестве основания для обсуждения в ходе региональных консультационных совещаний в рамках разработки Добровольных руководящих принципов…
În baza datelor a 857 întreprinderi agricole din Republica Moldova, s-a determinat nivelul potenţialului de producţie în profilul regiunilor de dezvoltare şi eficienţa economică privind utilizarea acestuia. Folosind metode economico-statistice, s-au stabilit factorii ce ţin de capacitatea…
Land tenure working paper 3. This document reflects the policies, status and trends of governance in Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The study assesses the state of governance and evaluates the ability of countries to contribute to the elaboration of FAO’s…
This publication describes the experience of a number of transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with crafting regulatory frameworks for irrigation water users’ organizations. It also seeks to distil a number of key regulatory requirements. As a result…
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 3. Ce document fournit une réflexion sur les politiques, le statut et les tendances de gouvernance existant en Europe de l’est et dans la Communauté des Etats Indépendants (CEI). Cette étude évalue l’état de gouvernance dans la région ainsi que la…
Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 3. Este documento ofrece una reflexión sobre la situación, las políticas y las tendencias de la gobernanza en Europa Oriental y en la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (CEI). Este estudio realiza una evaluación sobre el estado de la gobernanza…
The paper investigates the current situation with fragmentation of family farms in Moldovaand its effects on family well-being and farm productivity. A key hypothesis is thatconsolidation of agricultural land in Moldova has beneficial effects in terms of productivity and is desirable in the long…
The paper investigates the current situation with fragmentation of family farms in Moldova and its effects on family well-being and farm productivity. A key hypothesis is that consolidation of agricultural land in Moldova has beneficial effects in terms of productivity and is desirable in the…
The distribution of land rights is a very important economic and political issue, and itplayed a central role in the transition processes in Europe and Asia. This paperanalyzes the impact of the distribution of land on household welfare by usingsubjective well-being (SWB) data from a rural…
Agriculture is an integral part of the world food system. Because of the rapid growth in world population, increasing food output will receive greater attention in future years. The dilemma involves the entire food sector, from farm supply to farming and ranching to food processing and…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of land reform policies in Tajikistan on the country’s agricultural sector and rural households. There is a conspicuous lack of evidence-based policy dialogue with the government on the effectiveness of land and agricultural policies…