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Displaying 1981 - 1992 of 2159
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

In this chapter we use the village household survey data to quantify the effects of the green revolution on farm production, income, and employment; the changes in family income and consumption of farm and nonfarm households; and the changes in the distribution of land. There are four problems…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

North Arcot district which embraces the study region, lies in the northwest of Tamil Nadu state. It is a relatively densely populated region; in 1981 the population density was 357 persons per square kilometer of land. It is also a relatively poor region within India. For example, in 1980/81 the…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

In this study we set out to quantify the effects of the green revolution on the North Arcot region, in both the villages and the towns. For this task we had available a unique set of data obtained from household surveys undertaken in 1973/74, 1982/83, and 1983/84, which together span an era of…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

This chapter uses an estimated social accounting matrix (SAM) to provide a detailed quantitative description of the North Arcot study region in 1982/83. The SAM framework provides a consistent, comprehensive, and detailed picture of the transactions in an economy. Production activities,…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

In a predominantly agrarian region, development of the nonfarm economy is materially affected by the development of the agricultural sector. Agriculture supplies food, raw materials, and surplus labor for agro-industry. Agriculture also supplies the financial resources necessary to the…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

Technological change, such as the replacement of traditional with modern crop varieties and introduction of irrigation, has been effective in increasing the yields and production of various crops— notably rice and wheat—as well as incomes of farmers in developing countries (Pinstrup-Andersen…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

Agricultural technologies of the "green revolution" type have brought substantial direct benefits to many developing countries. Prominent among these has been increased food output, sometimes even in excess of the increasing food demands of a growing population. This has enabled food…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

One aspect of the research undertaken in North Arcot in 1973/74 by the Cambridge project was a comparative study of the sample villages.

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

Successful agricultural development requires not only the development of physical infrastructure such as irrigation, electrification, and roads but also the increased provision of key services such as credit, transport, agroprocessing, marketing, and the delivery of farm inputs. Agricultural…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

This chapter develops an extended input-output model to provide a quantitative analysis of the direct and indirect impacts of increased agricultural production on the regional economy. The model is calibrated for 1982/83 using the 1982/83 social accounting matrix (SAM) (see Chapter 7).

Décembre 1990

In the preceding chapter used village household data from the Cambridge-Madras universities and IFPRI-TNAU surveys to assess, after a decade, the growth and equity effects of the green revolution in North Arcot. A key motivation has been to test the diverging views that have emerged in the…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 1990

Agricultural growth is essential for fostering economic development and feeding growing populations in most developing countries. As land and water become increasingly scarce, this growth will depend more and more on yield-increasing technological changes of the green revolution" type. A…