Les forêts communautaires ont été invoquées pour la première fois lors de la réforme de la loi de 1994 sur les forêts au Cameroun. Ceci dans le but de permettre aux communautés d’avoir un espace qu’elles pourraient gérer de manière participative et dans lequel elles pourraient mener des…
La problématique des droits des populations locales et autochtones est plus que jamais au coeur de l’agenda international de la gestion des ressources forestières (Sikor et Stahl 2011). En effet, ces groupes de population réclament un ensemble de droits inhérents aux tenures foncières et…
La problématique des droits des populations locales et autochtones est plus que jamais au coeur de l’agenda international de la gestion des ressources forestières (Sikor et Stahl 2011). En effet, ces groupes de population réclament un ensemble de droits inhérents aux tenures foncières et…
À rebours des autres régions du monde, l’Afrique pourrait devenir bientôt le continent de la déforestation, avec la République démocratique du Congo qui perd plus d’un million d’hectares de couvert arboré par an. En Afrique centrale, la déforestation est le fait d’une petite agriculture dont l’…
The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in developing countries and providing systematic, upto-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the…
In 1978 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) published a Systematic Index of International Water Resources Treaties, Declarations, Acts and Cases by Basin (Legislative Study No. 15). The Index covered some 2000 international legal instruments the earliest dating from…
Access to safe water and sanitation and sound management of freshwater ecosystems are at the core of sustainable development. This is the aim of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), which includes approaches to water management such as environmental flow requirements, international…
Slower than desired growth in crop yields coupled with rising food demand present ongoing challenges for food security in Africa. Some countries, such as Tanzania, have signed the Malabo and Abuja Declarations, which aim to boost food security through increasing crop productivity. The more…
The global agricultural sector today faces the double challenge of feeding a growing population while preserving the underlying natural resources of land, water and air. In the meantime, already a third of the world’s soils are degraded. Soil and nutrient management techniques aimed at restoring…
O trabalho examina os desafios e a insegurança causados pela improdutiva administração dos vastos recursos naturais do Golfo da Guiné no século XXI. Esta região compreende países que se estendem de Angola a Guiné-Bissau, sendo de importância geoestratégica para a África e o mundo. Seu rico e …
Report of the 24th Session of the Committee on Forestry
To implement the ambitious REDD+ actions required to halve deforestation and forest degradation, developing countries need to adopt innovative and ambitious financing approaches. Financing to shift land-based investments and achieve deforestation-free commodity production is estimated at USD 200…