This edition of Unasylva comes in the wake of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20,which, among other things, produced a document called The Future We Want. In it, world leaders renewed their commitment to sustainable development and stated that “the wide range of…
The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing…
Ce rapport vise à donner des lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de cadres juridiques sur la foresterie communautaire. Il offre des recommandations et un cadre de réflexion pour l'ensemble des acteurs engagés dans la création, la mise en œuvre ou la révision des législations…
This report is intended to provide guidance to develop enabling legal frameworks governing community forestry. It offers recommendations and a framework for reflection for all actors engaged in creating, implementing or revising laws on community forestry, and for civil society in particular.…
The habitat of tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) depends upon climatic conditions, host availability and land cover characteristics. In this paper, the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS), developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP…
Geospatial datasets and analysis techniques based on geographic information systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a wide range of development programmes, including actions addressing sustainable agriculture and rural development. The…
The present study, by the Chief of the Agrarian and Water Law Section of the FAO Legislation Branch, is intended to explore in greater depth the value of legislation to the land use planning process. It is, on the one hand, an exploration of the ways in which legislation serves to provide the…
Este estudio es una contribución más en la tarea de realizar un inventario mundial de experiencias nacionales en el campo de la legislación y administración de aguas. Dado su interés en fomentar la producción agrícola, que requiere un mayor uso consultivo del recurso agua, la FAO se ha ocupado…
Sapelli (Entandrophragma cylindricum) and tali (Erythrophleum suaveolens) are among the most important timber
species harvested from Congo Basin forests. They also host edible caterpillars, Imbrasia oyemensis and Cirina
forda, respectively, which are important to the nutrition and…
Efforts to ensure sustainable peace can help to support access to safe, reliable and affordable energy in the long term. Energy access in turn can help to reduce conflict due to specific food security and livelihood benefits, such as the ability to safely cook food and carry out income-…
Le mode de gestion permettant aux communautés locales de disposer des droits suffisants sur les ressources forestières pour les gérer durablement, en toute autonomie, n’est pas encore assez répandu en Afrique centrale. Il était donc opportun de rechercher le meilleur moyen de permettre à un tel…
Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” recognizes the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Target 5.a aims to “Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic…