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Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2016

Ce livre nous emmène au cœur des zones de forêts denses et sahéliennes de l’Afrique centrale, un écosystème précieux et essentiel à la vie quotidienne de ses habitants, représentant l’un des trois principaux ensembles boisés tropicaux de la planète. Dix pays (Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon,…

Reports & Research
Octobre 2016

The Inspection Panel was created in 1993 by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank to receive complaints submitted by people suffering harm allegedly caused by World Bank projects. This experience provides important lessons for both the Bank and for the global development community…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Octobre 2016

The Inspection Panel was created in 1993 by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank to receive complaints submitted by people suffering harm allegedly caused by World Bank projects. This experience provides important lessons for both the Bank and for the global development community…

Journal Articles & Books
Août 2016

Rift Valley Institute PSRP Briefing Paper 14

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier 2016

As World leaders forged two new big deals in late 2015 – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Climate Change Agreements – over 200 experts and technical officers working in fields related to land and water management, participated in the 3rd Land and Water Days held at the Food and…

National Policies
Décembre 2015

Suite aux recommandations formulées dans le cadre de la Convention sur la Diversité biologique, notamment les objectifs d’Aichi, la République Démocratique du Congo a élaboré sa nouvelle stratégie nationale de la biodiversité (SPANB) couvrant la période 2016-2020 et remplace la stratégie…

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2015

This is a Contract Annex posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Oil palm or palm oils as the primary resource(s)

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2015

This is a Land Lease Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Oil palm or palm oils as the primary resource(s…

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2015

This is a Land Lease Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Oil palm or palm oils as the primary resource(s…

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2015

This is a Contract Annex posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Oil palm or palm oils as the primary resource(s)

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2015

This is a Land Lease Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Oil palm or palm oils as the primary resource(s…