Esta guía sobre Las cuetiones de género y el acceso a la tierra se ha preparado para prestar apoyo a los administradores de tierras de los gobiernos y sus contrapartes de la sociedad civl sobre asuntos relacionados con el acceso a la tierra y la administración del desarrollo rural. Con…
This report summarizes the findings of the e-mail conference that took place from 9 October to 4 November 2002 and which was organized by the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands project (LADA). The report contains exchanges of views on data sets and methods that may be used to assess land…
The report summarises the papers, presentations and discussions of a workshop on failures and achievements at securing women’s land rights. In particular, it addresses the following issues: Land rights and legal reforms,legal aid and land administration practice, women's land rights in an…
La présente loi autorise la ratification de la réglementation commune aux Etats membres du CILSS sur l’homologation des pesticides, révisée et adoptée par le Conseil des Ministres du CILSS, le 16 décembre 1999 à N’Djaména (Tchad), dont le but est de mettre en commun (dans un cadre sous-régional…
Like other countries in the region, Botswana inherited a dual system of statutory and customary tenure at independence. Despite the contrasting characteristics of these two systems, it has developed a robust land administration, which has greatly contributed to good governance and economic…
Mineral wealth often detracts from, rather than enhances, the economic performance of developing countries, a phenomenon known as the “resource curse”. The need to finance basic government expenditure, as well as rent-seeking behaviour by individuals and interest groups, puts pressure on…
This document reports on a workshop held in South Africa in June 2003 to address continuing insecurity of women's land rights. It brought together a broad group of participants covering NGO, grassroots, government, UN agency staff, researchers, activists, lawyers, and women living with HIV/…
This background paper intends to highlight key issues surrounding the impact of HIV/AIDS on land, particularly at the rural household level in Southern and Eastern Africa. It also serves as an introduction to three country reports commissioned by the Sub-Regional Office for Southern and Eastern…
(land tenure studies) 1951
Meeting symbol/code: ARC 02 2