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Displaying 1909 - 1920 of 1928

This Regulation establishes the procedure of preparation and co-ordination of the lists of the plots of land to which the Russian Federation, Regional and Municipal authorities claim the right of ownership originating from Federal Law "On delimitation of state property on land". The…


Article 6.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “The following protected areas of local significance shall be set up on the regional territory: (a) tourist and recreational areas; and (b) protected natural complexes”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 39-OZ “On protected areas”. (2013-07…


This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 12 articles and five Annexes, establishes rules on: types of fertilizers; composition, packaging, hazardous elements and their limit values for individual groups of fertilizers and allowed offsets and limit values for farming…

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Nizhni Novgorod Region have agreed as follows: 1) The present Agreement establishes delimitation of authority as regards management of the objects of historical and cultural heritage pertaining to state property situated on…

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Irkutsk Region , for the purpose of conservation of historical and cultural heritage, have agreed as follows: 1) The present Agreement establishes delimitation of authority as regards management and conservation of the…


This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


Article 12 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Public consultations (public hearing) shall be organized on issues related to state governance and local self-government related to environmental protection, land-use planning and other cases envisaged by the federal legislation”.


The Government decrees that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resource and its territorial branches is especially authorized environmental institution. The Ministry is entitled to coordinate within its competence the functioning of especially authorized state institutions and…


The scope of this Regional Law shall be improvement of state regulation in the sphere of land property relations, originating in the process of ownership, tenancy and governance of land on the regional territory. Land governance shall be based upon the principles of efficiency, equity, publicity…


According to amendments to Article 1 it shall be established that: (a) the border of a land plot shall be a conventional closed broken line that shall demarcate land plots; (b) a boundary-mark shall be a special sign of the established pattern that shall register the location of turning points…


The present Law shall supplement Article 110 of the Land Code of Ukraine with a new part 3. According to this new part, division or consolidation of land plots shall not terminate the validity of limitations, encumbrances established for land plots, except for the instances when such a…