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Displaying 133 - 144 of 1928

This Law regulates the use, management and protection of natural resources in the interest of ecological safety and economic development. It is composed of ten chapters and four annexes. After defining and classifying natural resources (renewable, non-renewable, national, local, reserved and…


The aim of this Law is to define the basic concepts and procedures for the privatisation of property in Moldova. All branches of the country's economic, cultural and social sectors are open to privatisation, except national defence, cultural heritage, state monopolies and property which…


Plant protection and soil conservation stations are part of the national administration. They are established in each county and in the capital and are supervised by the Minister of Agriculture through a specialized division of the Ministry. They carry out all the duties regarding plant…


Presidential Decree No. 483 of 1998, regarding the structure of the Federal Administration", established the creation of the Federal Ministry on Land Policy. Considering the accomplishment of the land reform a crucial economic, social and political issue, the State Duma recommends the…


This Order decrees to set up the Committee of Land Reform and Land Resources at the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFFSR. The President of this Committee is appointed Chief Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the RSFSR.


After examination of the Federal Law the "Land Code", adopted by the State Duma 22 April 1998, in accordance with the Article 106 of the Russian Constitution, the Council of the Federation decrees to ratify it.


The Government decrees that the Ministry on Land Policy, Construction and Living Facilities (MINZEMSTROJ) has the status of a Federal Authority responsible for the carrying out and coordination of the unitary state policy in the field of land relationship, construction, geodetic and map-making…


The purpose of the regulation of urban areas is to achieve rational use of the built environment and infrastructure; regulate local constructions; develop and protect natural and artificial environment; harmonize national, regional, local and private interests. In accordance with national rules…


The purpose of this Act is to establish the fundamental objectives and rules of regional development and land use planning, and to define the institutional system therefor. This Act shall apply to the implementation of regional development and land use planning duties on national and regional…


This Law establishes forms of property ownership, providing for the recognition and protection of property rights. Owners (physical persons, legal entities or the State) shall have the right of possession, use and transfer. Objects of property rights covered by this Law include: land, soil,…


This Federal Law introduces the notion of joint ownership that includes the ownership of the plot of land, on which the edifice is situated, within the boundaries delimited by law. The joint owners are obliged to treat with care the plots of land on which the edifice is situated. The joint…


This Joint Regulating Decree establishes that state colleges, scientific, experimental, training, research institutions and centres of agricultural and forest specialisation, branches of the Academy of Sciences, of the Academy of Medical Sciences, of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the…