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Esta Ley complementa las normas locales sobre pastoreo basadas fundamentalmente en los usos y costumbres. Se aplica a los pastos en régimen común, a las zonas tradicionalmente destinadas al pastoreo así como a otras áreas situadas en la inmediata proximidad de las de pastoreo (arts. 1º-3º). Las…


Esta Ley establece las primeras normas de procedimiento que regulan el proceso de concentración parcelaria. El procedimiento de concentración se iniciará cuando existan razones de utilidad pública que agronómica o socialmente lo justifiquen. Estas razones serán libre e inapelablemente apreciadas…


La Ley limita el desarrollo urbano en las zonas rurales. A tal fin, las municipalidades deberán identificar, sobre la base de criterios reglamentarios, suelos no urbanizables en las zonas rurales (art. 2º). Los usos en suelos no urbanizables se clasifican en permitidos, autorizables,…


This Order amends the Nitrate Sensitive Areas (Designation) Order 1990 and applies to England only. It expresses the definition of 'economic optimum' in terms of the fertilizer's nitrogen content and changes restriction on the use of fertilizers to restrictions on the application…


The text of the Code, consisting of 153 articles arranged under 8 titles, is given in the schedule. Article 2 lists twenty-two items in respect of which registration is obligatory.


The Resolution consists of 66 articles and is divided into 5 Chapters: General stipulations (1); Citizens' land (2); Land belonging to the State, the Municipalities, the Cooperatives and Other juridical persons (3); Distribution of property of farming cooperatives and other organizations…


Land tax is a tax based on the assessed value of land.Land tax is calculated on the basis of information received from the corresponding local government. Land tax is imposed on all land, except land specified in § 4 of this Act. The Law provides for the taxation of land. The tax shall consist…


The Regulation on the Building Cadastre is divided into 8 Chapters: General aspects (I); Support (II); Execution of cadastre (III); Cadastre modernization (IV); Cadastre's conservation (V); Exercise of cadastral activities by other entities (VI); Product and service supply (VII); Sanctions…


Authorized under section 112 of the Water Act 1989 (a summary was published in FAO Food and Agricultural Legislation No. 39, Dec. 1990, p.51), this Order designates certain lands as Nitrate Sensitive Areas (Schedule 3) to prevent or control the entry of nitrate into controlled waters in…


La presente Ley establece el régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias. Se entiende por vías pecuarias las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero. Asimismo, las vías pecuarias podrán ser destinadas a otros usos compatibles y…


The Law consists of 33 articles and is divided into four Chapters: General provisions (1); The Citizens' land (2); Lands belonging to the State, municipalities, cooperative farms and other legal persons (3); and Land property authorities (4).The Law regulates the ownership and use of…


This Act amends provisions of the principal Act with the scope of bringing about improvement of the offer of arable land including land suitable for fast growing timber forestry. Provisions deal with revision of lease rates, alienation of land within 10 years after acquisition with preferential…