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Article 18 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Conclusions of Civic Chamber shall have non-regulatory status and shall be submitted to bodies and organizations such as state bodies, local self-government, public and municipal bodies and offices”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 39-OZ…


This Regional Law establishes that land tenure of land parcels with undelimited state ownership and jurisdictional competence thereto shall pertain to the Regional Administration.


These Rules amend the Town and Country Planning (Inquiries Procedure) (Scotland) Rules 1997 and the Town and Country Planning Appeal (Determination by Appointed Person) (Inquiries Procedure) (Scotland) Rules 1997 in relation with inquiries held in connection with appeals the procedure of which…


La présente loi porte la réglementation relative aux villes et autres agglomérations importantes. L’article 1er établit que toute localité de 10.000 habitants et au-dessus est tenue d'avoir un projet d'aménagement. La même obligation incombe: a) aux localités en voie d'…


The purpose of the Act is to help to protect nature and environment in order for society to develop on a sustainable and to preserve animal and plant life. It applies to all activities in relation to pollution, such as deployment of solid, liquid or gaseous substances; air, water, noise, soil…


This Act provides for the reform of legislation regarding a Scottisch form of land tenure called crofting and for this purpose amends provisions of the Crofting (Scotland) Act 1993. The Act makes modifies the functionality and the name of the Crofters Commission and establishes a new Crofting…


Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plenary powers of the authorized Regional state institution in the sphere of regulation of land relations shall include establishment of modification of authorized use of land plots pertaining to regional public property that are not…


These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 by: (a) inserting a new regulation 9A to make provision for the form and content of applications for consent to carry out work on trees subject to a tree preservation order; (b) substituting a new Part 4 to provide…


This Ministerial Decree defines the role of state supervision over geodetic and cartographic activities as: (a) monitoring compliance with normative and technical requirements; (b) ensuring the correct mapping of state boundaries; (c) registering such activities; and (d) managing the transfer…


This Presidential Decree concerns the expropriation, consolidation and concession of land for construction. It gives state land survey organizations of the task of consolidating plots of land by contract, in accordance with general town planning practices in inhabited areas and with land use…


La presente Ley, que consta de 7 títulos, 102 artículos, 2 disposiciones adicionales, 2 transitorias, 2 finales y 1 derogatoria, tiene por objeto la concentración parcelaria y la estructuración del suelo rústico para promover la constitución de explotaciones económicamente viables en el marco de…


This Decree sets out the duties and competencies of administrative institutions responsible for land surveying and cartography, as well as their supervision. It provides professional criteria for the establishment and maintenance of observation points at a density suitable for cartographic…