This review of public expenditures on Social Protection (SP) in Nicaragua is based on the analytical framework of Social Risk Management (SRM) developed by the World Bank. The concept of managing social risk comes from the notion that certain groups in society are vulnerable to unexpected shocks…
This review of public expenditures on Social Protection (SP) in Nicaragua is based on the analytical framework of Social Risk Management (SRM) developed by the World Bank. The concept of managing social risk comes from the notion that certain groups in society are vulnerable to unexpected shocks…
Countries throughout the world are rapidly urbanising, particularly in the developing world, and for the first time in human history, the majority of people today are no longer living in rural areas, but rather in cities. This report examines the worldwide phenomenon of urbanisation from the…
This is a compilation of twenty seven articles focusing on the interactions, impacts and effects of the changing climate on the Amazon region. Each article examines a specific area, providing a multidisciplinary analysis of climate change impacts. Areas discussed include:
Acá incluímos el enlace para poder acceder a las siguientes tres partes restantes del documento ya que debido a su gran tamaño no pueden publicarse en la web: <a href="…
O propósito deste Sertão Quilombola - a Formação dos Quilombos no Sertão de Pernambuco é publicizar os processos iniciais de territorialização e as diversas expressões de ocupação tradicional dos territórios quilombolas da Região. Dessa forma contirbui para desmistificar o senso comum que…
Across vast areas of the world, human activity has degraded once fertile and productive land. Deforestation, overgrazing, continuous farming and poor irrigation practices have affected almost 2 billion hectares worldwide, threatening the health and livelihoods of over one billion people. In this…
Although the historical focus on tenure reforms has resulted in some important improvements in the livelihoods of forest communities, it has not prevented them from suffering social exclusion and impoverishment. Based on a review of 17 years of work with forest peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin…
Secure land rights are important for development and poverty reduction and the greatest challenges for providing such rights are in urban, peri-urban areas, and the most productive rural areas. This publication updates and revises UN-HABITAT’s 2004 publication ‘Urban Land for All’, and stresses…
Despite the central role of urban areas in socio-economic and geo-political change processes at the local, regional, and global level, as well as in the regional and global biophysical processes, little attention has been paid so far to the complex and dynamic interactions between urban areas…
The policy debate about the merits and demerits of biofuels is growing and changing rapidly, with concerns being voiced over their effectiveness for mitigating climate change, role in recent food price hikes and social environmental impacts. This study contributes to these debates through…
Leyendo el informe titulado: “El verdadero costo de los agrocombustibles Alimentación,bosques y clima”, podremos descubrir cuán ilógicos, inapropiados y directamente contraproducentes pueden ser estos biocombustibles; cómo están ya trastornando a miles de familias alrededor del mundo, que se ven…