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Assessing the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Context of Instability and Informal Economies

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2011
Soudan du Sud
République centrafricaine
République démocratique du Congo

The implementation of effective Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from violent conflict are essential for building and maintaining peace and security. In many instances the disarmament and demobilisation of former combatants was achieved, but reintegration remained a challenge, due to the long-term focus and the substantial resources that are required for such a process to be successful.

Appropriate Groundwater Management Policy for Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2011

This paper provides an overview of major groundwater issues for Sub-Saharan Africa, with an assessment of their policy implications in terms of potential development and appropriate management. In terms of construction time, capital outlay and drought resilience, groundwater is the preferred source to meet most water-supply demands, despite hydro geological complexity, natural constraints on water well yields and quality, and institutional weaknesses.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Tanzania

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Includes introduction, context, land deals (extent, nature and origins), key issues (land availability, consultations, compensation, agrofuels), impacts (food security, water, social and political effects), conclusions – major challenges include lack of information and coordination, secrecy and flaws in the investment processes, need for transparency and open debate.

Livestock and climate change, challenges and options.CAB Reviews

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This review outlines livestock's major emission pathways and production trends, and explores the challenges and options for livestock in addressing and coping with climate change. Ruminant production is, and will continue to be, the chief source of the livestock sector's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly as a result of deforestation, land degradation and enteric fermentation.

Large-Scale Modelling of Global Food Security and Adaptation under Crop Yield Uncertainty

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2011

Concerns about future food security in the face of volatile and potentially lower yields due to climate change have been at the heart of recent discussions on adaptation strategies in the agricultural sector. While there are a variety of studies trying to quantify the impact of climate change on yields, some of that literature also acknowledges the fact that these estimates are subject to substantial uncertainty. The question arises how such uncertainty will affect decision-making if ensuring food security is an explicit objective.


Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Since ICARDA’s inception in 1977, the United States has been the single biggest donor to the center’s research and capacity development programs.
The benefits of this significant investment by US partners are dramatically increased crop yields and thus enhanced food security, improved livelihoods for large numbers of farmers, and the large-scale capacity building of farmers and national institutions.

The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011
Viet Nam

Studies of land property rights usually focus on tenure security and transfer rights. Rights to determine how to use the land are regularly ignored. However, user rights are often limited. Relying on a unique Vietnamese panel data set at both household and plot levels, we show that crop choice restrictions are widespread and prevent crop diversification. Restrictions do not decrease household income, but restricted households work harder, and there are indications that they are supplied with higher quality inputs.

Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Land reform, land politics and resettlement in Laos have changed people’s land access and livelihoods. But these reforms have also transformed political subjectivity and landed property into matters for government to a degree hitherto unknown in Laos. The control over people, land and space has consolidated sovereignty in ways that make government an ineluctable part of people’s relation to land. This transforms agrarian relations. Three cases demonstrate how rural small holders’ access to land depends on the ways in which property and political subjects have been produced.

Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

In the early 1990s, the Lao government launched a nationwide Land Use Planning and Land Allocation programme in a bid to foster socio-economic development while protecting the environment. However, the programme has long been perceived as having negative impacts on rural livelihoods. A central criticism was that limited local participation results in unsustainable land use plans; consequently, the government introduced significant changes into the process to enhance participation.

Report on the Policy Symposium Gendered Terrain : Women’s Rights and Access to Land in Africa, Nairobi, September 14-16, 2010

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011
Sub-Saharan Africa

Land distribution is highly skewed in Africa, where women’s ownership of land is a small percentage of that owned by men. Women frequently lack the resources to acquire land in their own right and are further disadvantaged by discriminatory inheritance laws, customary practices and market structures. This report summarizes presentations at the symposium on women’s rights and access to land.