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Final Report: Land Use Consolidation and Crop Intensification In Rwanda

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2014

The Land Use Consolidation Act (LUC) was introduced in 2008 and is an important
component of agricultural policy in Rwanda. As part of the Government of Rwanda’s
broader Crop Intensification Program (CIP), LUC entails participating farmers
consolidating aspects of their operations with neighboring farmers, while retaining
individual ownership of their parcels. LUC farmers also agree to grow a single priority
crop that has been identified by the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) as best suited to

Securing Communal Land Tenure in Northern Tanzania Using Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2014

Communal lands are central to the livelihoods of many Tanzanians, particularly to pastoralists and hunter-gatherer groups. But a number of factors can undermine the security of these lands remaining ‘communal,’ in turn threatening the livelihoods of many people and cultures. This brief sets out a new mechanism for strengthening community land rights by securing local tenure through acquiring a Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO).

Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

Climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability span a vast range of topics.With the deepening of knowledge about climate change, we see connections in expanding and diverse areas, activities, and assets at risk. Early research focused on direct impacts of temperature and rainfall on humans, crops, and wild plants and animals. New evidence points to the importance of understanding not only these direct impacts but also potential indirect impacts, including impacts that can be transmitted around the world through trade, travel, and security.

Facts about Zambia Agriculture Sector

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

Zambia Agriculture Development Goal:

Reduce poverty through broadbased income growth for those in the agricultural sector

Zambia’s Economic Achievements:

Classified as low-middle income by World Bank
 GDP growing at 6% per annum
 Agricultural growth rate at 7%, above 6% CAADP Goal
 Three consecutive maize bumper harvest years

Land-based adaptation and resilience : Powered by nature

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014

Land has many uses. It provides water, food and energy. It is used to create wealth and employment and grow economies. And it provides other, often less obvious and tangible, services such as conserving biodiversity, storing carbon, purifying and storing water. It even regulates the Earth’s climate, for instance, by absorbing the heat from the sun. All of its uses are undermined and destroyed when land is degraded. Degrading the land disrupts these functions and leads to severe food, water and energy shortages.

Land Degradation Neutrality : Resilience at local, national and regional levels

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014

Land degradation refers to any reduction or loss in the biological or economic productive capacity of the land resource base. It is generally caused by human activities, exacerbated by natural processes, and often magnified by and closely intertwined with climate change and biodiversity loss. SLM practices include the integrated management of crops (trees), livestock, soil, water, nutrients, biodiversity, disease and pests to optimize the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. The overall objective is to maximize provisioning services (e.g.

Environmental perception of desertification process in Peru

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014

“Environmental Perception Process of Desertification in Perú”, try to do an analysis and evaluation of Peruvian territory in terms of enviromental degradation due to problems of biodiversity loss, progressive loss of productive capacity land ecosystem in the climaterelevant ecological Peruvian territory. The purpose is to know the territorial spaces with problems of environmental degradation and prevention alternatives to existing problems.

Tropical forage-based systems for climate-smart livestock production in Latin America

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

Tropical forage grasses and legumes as key components of sustainable crop-livestock systems in Latin America and the Caribbean have major implications for improving food security, alleviating poverty, restoring degraded lands and mitigating climate change. Climate-smart tropical forage crops can improve the livestock productivity of smallholder farming systems and break the cycle of poverty and resource degradation.

Food security and poverty mitigation through smallholder dairy – the Zambian case

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

Supporting smallholder farmers is one of the best ways to fight poverty and ensure food security. Such support involving the active participation of smallholder farmers in Zambia has demonstrated a significant increase in farmers’ engagement in general and an improvement in milk production, resulting in nutritional food security both at household and national level and income for the poor farmers.

Unleashing the potential of family farming

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

Converting from subsistence to market-oriented farming can increase income. Thanks to the ’Enabling Rural Innovation’ approach, family farmers in Uganda and Tanzania have succeeded in improving production and fetching better prices for their produce while safeguarding food security and sustainable management of natural resources. The recipe for success is that farmers take the development process in their own hands.