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Allocating farmland to rural women - new insights

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2016
Afrique du Sud

Land reform in South Africa intends to redress racial imbalances with regard to ownership and access to land. On the surface, the various strategy documents also talk to transferring land to black women, the youth and the disabled. This article examines interesting patterns that are emerging with respect to gender relations and land ownership driven by land reform including mounting evidence of exclusive female ownership and co-ownership of land among land reform recipient households.

Putting Rural Community on the Map

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016

In April 2006, six international donor agencies established a program to help Mozambique’s government register community land rights and improve tenure security for rural residents. Under Mozambique’s constitution, the state owned all land. A 1997 law, adopted after a 15-year civil war, sought to recognize rural communities’ customary tenure rights while encouraging commercial investment through the issuance of 50-year leaseholds.

Panfleto do Centro Terra Viva - Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV)

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2016

O Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV) é uma instituição não governamental moçambicana, de investigação e intervenção ambiental, que congrega profissionais de diferentes áreas fundamentais para a gestão do ambiente e dos recursos naturais, com destaque para o Direito Ambiental, Conservação e Gestão Ambiental, Informação e Educação Ambiental, Economia Rural e Sociologia Ambiental.

Geografia, gênero e contra-espaço: mulheres no assentamento Serra Dourada – Goiás/GO - Brasil

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016

A Geografia é uma ciência que estuda o espaço (re)produzido a partir das relações sociais - dentre as quais as de gênero - estabelecidas no âmbito do trabalho social e conduzidas pelas demandas hegemônicas do capital. A concentração fundiária do município de Goiás/GO é um reflexo dessas demandas, representando a espacialização do capitalismo no Brasil e evidenciando as desigualdades inerentes desse sistema, por exemplo, ao impedir que parcela de camponesas e camponeses tivessem a possibilidade de se (re)produzirem social, cultural e economicamente, a partir do acesso a terra.

Geografia, gênero e contra-espaço: mulheres no assentamento Serra Dourada – Goiás/GO - Brasil

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016

A Geografia é uma ciência que estuda o espaço (re)produzido a partir das relações sociais - dentre as quais as de gênero - estabelecidas no âmbito do trabalho social e conduzidas pelas demandas hegemônicas do capital. A concentração fundiária do município de Goiás/GO é um reflexo dessas demandas, representando a espacialização do capitalismo no Brasil e evidenciando as desigualdades inerentes desse sistema, por exemplo, ao impedir que parcela de camponesas e camponeses tivessem a possibilidade de se (re)produzirem social, cultural e economicamente, a partir do acesso a terra.

No somos feministas". Género, igualdad y neoliberalismo en Chile

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2016

Resumen: La instalación de un discurso de la "igualdad de género" en Chile y de nuevos referentes en torno a los significados de lo femenino y lo masculino desde la década de 1990, ha ido acompañada de un desplazamiento de la "cuestión de género" hacia un espectro de mujeres que no provienen del mundo feminista pero que, sin embargo, plantean demandas por condiciones más igualitarias respecto a los varones en los ámbitos en que se desenvuelven.


Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016


Many studies have shown the benefits to women of secure rights to land: when their rights are secure, their status in the community and within the household can increase, their income can increase, and they and their families are less likely to be underweight or malnourished.

Developing gender‐equitable legal frameworks for land tenure

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016

This paper introduces a Legal Assessment Tool (LAT) for gender‐equitable land tenure that was developed by the Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the purpose of providing prompt, targeted and effective policy and regulatory advice to countries working towards gender‐equitable land tenure. The LAT aims to provide a contribution to the global efforts to achieve responsible governance of land tenure by focusing on the legal issues surrounding land policy and reform processes.

Widow's Cry (Pakorpa Susangho)

Novembre, 2016
Afrique occidentale

Pakorpa Susangho’ (Widow’s Cry) is an exploration of how corruption impacts on widows in the Upper East region of Ghana. This participatory video was devised and shot by ten widows from Kulbia, on the outskirts of Bolgatanga, using cutting-edge production techniques and equipment (including iPads as powerful video cameras). The filmmakers, whose ages range from 29 to 60, lack any formal education yet learned to operate the equipment with confidence and skill during a series of participatory video workshops packed with fun games and exercises.

Food Security and Governance Factsheet: Afghanistan

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016

In Afghanistan, insecurity over land and water rights hampers investments in food production and irrigation. In rural areas, customary tenure systems, partly based on religious law, are the most relevant but suffer from weak recognition and offer little protection to rights holders. The land policy reform is on-going but remains slow. Moreover, land administration capacity is weak and improvements mostly take place in urban areas. In this context, land disputes are common and often violent.

Country Partnership Strategy: Tajikistan, 2016–2020

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016

Tajikistan’s population is predominantly rural and largely dependent on agriculture. Agriculture accounts for a quarter of Tajikistan’s gross domestic product and export revenues, 39% of tax revenues, and half of total employment. Given the widespread migration of male Tajik workers overseas, women constitute the majority of employees (accounting for 53% of the economically active population in agriculture). Arable land is in short supply at 0.15 hectares (ha) per capita (rising to 0.20 ha per capita for the rural population).

Tajikistan Country Gender Assessment

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016

The resurgence of conservative patriarchal values in Tajikistan have led to the rise of early marriages and polygamy, compromising women’s and girls’ opportunities to realize their full potential to live quality lives, and have deterred women from fully participating in and benefitting from development. The report provides sector-specific gender analyses and identifies entry points for mainstreaming gender in agriculture and natural resources, education, energy, entrepreneurship and SME development, and transport.