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Women's empowerment and gender equity in agriculture: A different perspective from Southeast Asia

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2017
Viet Nam

Women's empowerment is considered a ‘prerequisite’ to achieving global food security. Gender systems, however, are diverse and complex. The nature and extent of gender inequity and the conditions necessary to empower women vary across countries, communities and regions. The study of different gender systems is thus fundamental to capture cross-cultural variations in gender specific needs and constraints to effectively address gender gaps.

Women and Land in Pakistan

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2017

Women have largely been excluded from the ownership and control of land in Pakistan, which is the single most important source of income and status in the agricultural economy. This systematic exclusion stems from multiple factors at both the policy and societal level, which include multiple and contradictory sources of law that fail to resolve the issue of women’s right to property as well as cultural bias and discriminatory practices that arise from the prevalent male-dominant mindset in rural areas.

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Armenia

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2017

Gender equality is key to eliminating poverty and hunger, and this has been demonstrated by FAO throughout its research across the world. FAO is committed to interventions that seek to reduce gender inequalities and this report has been produced as part of its eff orts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality (FAO, 2013a). It is only through closing the gender gap that strategies on sustainable agriculture and rural development can reach their full potential.

Land Policy Report. Policy Trends and Emerging Opportunities for Strengthening Community Land Rights in Africa

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2017

Identifies the drivers of the land use changes that have displaced millions of rural people and continue to threaten millions more – particularly women; it unpacks the key land policy guidelines and why they have so far failed to ‘stick’ on the ground, and it sets out 14 actions to get to grips with the problem and push forward community land rights across Africa.

How commercial farms are ripping apart Zambian communities

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2017

Some commercial farmers in Serenje District, Central Province of Zambia, have acquired thousands of hectares while ignoring laws meant to prevent forced evictions. Some have used bulldozers to forcibly evict residents whose families have farmed the land for generations. This has been devastating for the communities and particularly hard on women.

¿Quién cuida en la ciudad? Oportunidades y propuestas en San Salvador

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2017
El Salvador

Las demandas de cuidado y de autonomía económica de las mujeres plantean un particular desafío para las políticas locales de vivienda, planificación, infraestructura, transporte, actividad económica, seguridad y espacio público, participación y toma de decisiones, entre otras. Es decir presentan un reto de gran magnitud para el desarrollo urbano. El presente estudio pretende contribuir al debate sobre políticas de cuidados enfocando la mirada en las ciudades latinoamericanas, en esta ocasión en la ciudad San Salvador.

¿Quién cuida en la ciudad?: aportes para políticas urbanas de igualdad

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Ante los actuales desafíos que enfrenta América Latina, los instrumentos acordados en el marco de las Naciones Unidas ofrecen una base importante para la implementación de políticas públicas innovadoras. En la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible se reconocen la igualdad de género y la autonomía de las mujeres como factores fundamentales para avanzar hacia el desarrollo sostenible. De conformidad con la Nueva Agenda Urbana, se debe garantizar a las mujeres la igualdad de derechos en todas las dimensiones que afectan a las ciudades.

¿Quién cuida en la ciudad?: oportunidades y propuestas en Bogotá (Colombia)

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2017

El presente estudio pretende aportar, de manera prospectiva, nuevos enfoques al debate y formulación de políticas de cuidados en la ciudad de Bogotá, para la atención de los grupos poblacionales con dependencia de quienes proveen los cuidados, a fin de propiciar la autonomía económica de las mujeres. Se evidencia además la necesidad de analizar la planificación y las políticas urbanas, con base en las limitaciones o facilidades que aportan al quehacer diario de las mujeres, su autonomía, la igualdad de oportunidades y la corresponsabilidad en el cuidado de personas dependientes.

Community Land Regulations (LN No. 279 of 2018).

Novembre, 2017

These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary for Land and Physical Planning implement provisions of the Community Land Act, 2016 ("Act") with respect to, among other things, recognition, protection and registration of community land rights, community land management committees, registration of communities, conversion of community land, settlement of disputes relating to community land, conversion of group representatives, a national programme for public education and awareness on provisions of the Act and the rights of communities over community land, and the preparation of Community Rules an

Gender and generation in Southeast Asian agro-commodity booms

Novembre, 2017

This article introduces the Special Issue on ‘Gender and generation in agrarian and environmental transformation in Southeast Asia’. The contributions to this collection focus on the intersecting dynamics of gender, generation and class in Southeast Asian rural communities engaging with expanding capitalist relations, whether in the form of large-scale corporate land acquisition or other forms of penetration of commodity economy. Gender and especially generation are relatively neglected dimensions in the literature on agrarian and environmental transformations in Southeast Asia.

Regulations promulgated under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965; Amendment (No. 1161 of 2017).

Novembre, 2017
Afrique du Sud

These Regulations amend the Regulations under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965 in Schedule 2. The matters in respect of which Master’s fees shall be payable, the tariff of such fees and the manner in which such fees shall be payable shall be as specified in Schedule 2 to the principal Regulations.

Amends: Regulations promulgated under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965. (2001-10-12)