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Issues Les droits fonciers dans un contexte post-conflit related Blog post
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Nouvelle histoire de données : Les défis de la sécurisation des droits fonciers dans le Burundi post-conflit

22 Août 2024
Dr. Rick de Satgé
Cette histoire de données aborde le contexte des conflits et des déplacements au Burundi pour explorer les défis de la mise en œuvre d'une initiative d'enregistrement foncier dans le district de Makamba, une région qui voit un grand nombre d'anciens réfugiés rentrer chez eux.

Justice innovation in Iraq:Introducing the justice innovation component to the LAND-at-scale activities in Iraq

28 Février 2024
Gemma Betsema

The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HIIL) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a new collaboration for complementary LAND-at-scale activities in Iraq. Activities focus on justice innovation and support: by scouting, vetting, selecting and supporting promising local and existing justice initiatives in Northern Iraq, HIIL aims to strengthen the localization of justice solutions for Iraqi people.

The Wait is Over

07 Février 2024
Nicholas Parkinson

The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity  is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.

Land Formalization Goes Live

07 Mai 2021
Nicholas Parkinson

A Colombian Mayor surprises her constituents with land titles and uses live video and social media to spread civic messages about formalizing land tenure


Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, took the world on a digital tour of her town. On Monday last week, Mancera’s team went live on Facebook, while walking door-to-door to deliver registered property titles to dozens of neighbors living in Fuentedeoro’s urban center.

African Independence: A Betrayed Agrarian Success

15 Novembre 2019
Mr. Kgolagano Mpejane

It has been decades since Africa’s independence, and the peasants (rural land cultivators) are still suffering. How did Africa ignore the agricultural sector, after the peasants ushered the continent’s independence? Agriculture has become Africa’s “sunset” sector making the continent the most impoverished region, with over 70% rural poverty, heavy dependence on donor food aid valued at over US$ 51 million annually and high rates of unemployment.  At least Africa is now embarking on agrarian reforms after years of neo-colonialism.