Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2017.
This Regulation, consisting of 21 sections divided into six Parts and completed by five Schedules, establishes the requirements contracts for sale of land within the New South Wales territory.
This Regulation, consisting of 21 sections divided into six Parts and completed by five Schedules, establishes the requirements contracts for sale of land within the New South Wales territory.
These Regulations make minor corrections to the Community Right to Buy (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Regulation 2(2) substitutes the reference to the year “2015” in regulation 1(3)(d)(ii) of the 2015 Regulations with a reference to the year “2016”. Regulation 2(3) adds the words “to the ballotter” into regulation 20(2) of the 2015 Regulations. Regulation 2(4)(b) amends Schedule 11 to the 2015 Regulations to add an additional entry concerning the result into the form of return that must be notified by the ballotter as required by section 52(3) of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.
La presente Ley expiden normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos y dicta disposiciones para el pago de derechos notariales y de derechos registrales. La inscripción de actos administrativos de cesión o transferencia, a otras entidades públicas o a particulares, de bienes inmuebles de propiedad pública susceptibles de ser enajenados, que se encuentren ubicados en predios que hayan sido objeto de legalización urbanística, de acuerdo con las normas vigentes, se liquidarán como actos sin cuantía.
These Measures are developed in order to standardize the confirmation, registration and issuing the certificates of the right to the contracted management of rural land and strengthen the management and effective use of the relevant archives.
La presente Resolución aprueba los Lineamientos para la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expedientes de formalización de predios rústicos, cuya finalidad es facilitar el control de calidad del proceso de formalización de predios rústicos a cargo de los gobiernos regionales a fin de contribuir a la reducción de potenciales riesgos que pudieran afectar la seguridad jurídica de los actos y resoluciones administrativas; así como establecer los procedimientos, roles y responsabilidades que permitan la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expe
This Federal Law sets forth the requirements land-use planning scheme for insertion of a land plot in public land cadaster map either in electronic form or in paper version as established by the acting federal executive body in the Far Eastern Federal District by agreement with the public registration authority.The supreme regional executive bodies of the Russian Federation specified in Article 1 of this Federal Law, within the boundaries of hunting grounds managed by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the grounds provided for by Federal Law No.
These Regulations, made under section 5 of the Land Survey Act, provide rules concerning the control on the practice of land survey and relative recording in Namibia. The Surveyor-General may, at any time in the field, check the accuracy of any survey conducted by a land surveyor under the Act. A general plan shall be prepared when it is required to be produced under any law or when it is required by the Surveyor-General.
Implements: Land Survey Act, 1993 (No. 33 of 1993). (1993-12-06)
The President, with a view of strengthening control over protection and rational management of land, improvement of geodetic and cartographic activity, regulating keeping state cadastre and state registers, decrees to validate the organizational structure of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre (Annex 1), the structure of the Central office of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre (Annex 2), the model structure of the regional and provincial offices of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartograp
This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage of regional significance. Identified objects of cultural heritage shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Establishment and mapping of the boundaries of land areas containing objects of cultural heritage and land-use planning within the boundaries of the aforesaid areas, and special regime of land tenure shall be validated by the Regional Government.
La présente ordonnance porte la réglementation relative aux émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. Le texte est formé par 25 articles répartis en 4 chapitres comme suit: Emoluments (I); Indemnités journalières, autres indemnités et débours (II); Perception des émoluments et des indemnités (III); Dispositions finales (IV).
Met en oeuvre: Loi fédérale sur l’expropriation (LEx). (2012-01-01)
Abroge: Ordonnance sur les émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. (1999-09-09)
These Regulations, consisting of 16 sections completed by two Schedules, implement the Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994 by providing specifications on the Native Title Register, access to information to be included in State Native Title Register and administrative procedures related to native title questions.
Implements: Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994. (2001-07-13)
Repeals: Native Title (South Australia) Regulations 2001. (2001-08-09)
Regulation on the content and elaboration of the documentation for the formation of real estate objects regulates the content and method of developing cadastral documentation for the formation of land plots irrespective of their specific uses, the absence or presence of constructions thereon, the formation of buildings and isolated premises, regardless of the type of property, as well as the formation of land plots of public property.