Pastoralist futures in Africa a balance between traditions and opportunities
ILRI's Augustine Ayantunde reflects on the recent conference in Addis Ababa on the future of pastoralism in Africa. He draws attention to the two major conference strands - on one side, the optimists, on the other 'doom and gloom.' One thing is clear, it is not really possible to generalise across regions. He concludes by suggesting that the future will lie in pastoralist communities being able to take advantage of present opportunities while also taking care of their traditions.
Pastoralism and milk production
Presents a general description of pastoralist milk production from cattle in Africa, analyzing data on milk yield & offtake, lactation and milk composition under pastoralist conditions; briefly examines the use of milk from camels and smallstock by pastoralsits to complement their milk supply from cattle.
Patterns of diffusion of an institutional innovation in pastoral areas of Ethiopia. The community based animal health worker and its geographical and social spread in Afar region
Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues
This paper examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in pastoral livestock production in Africa. It starts by describing the main impact of drought on livestock production and the sequences of this for the national economy. It considers the range of policy options open to governments and development agencies in this area and the problems associated with each one. It then examines the provision of credit to herders to aid in the reconstitution of livestock holdings, and associates the particular issues with the implementation of such projects.
Policies in support of pastoralism and biodiversity in the heterogeneous drylands of East Africa
Pratiques agropastorales et modes de patures des bovins dans la zone subhumide du Nigeria
Examines the consequences for cattle husbandry of livestock-crop integration as practiced in an agropastoral production system in the sub-humid zone of Nigeria - based on a study of herding practices and cattle grazing behaviour.
Productivite et potentialites des systemes pastoraux
Examines the productivity of East African pastoral systems in terms of animal protein & energy production, milk offtake and livestock production parameters such as calving percentage, calf mortality and herd structure; compares the productivity of East African pastoral systems to those of commercial ranches and to pastoral systems in other parts of the world.
Productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger Delta of Mali
Evaluates the productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger delta of Mali. Summarises the results of the animal productivity study extending from December 1978 - March 1983, which indicated high calf mortality, low reproductive performance and moderate milk production. Identifies constraints limiting the productivity of Sudanese Fulani cattle and suggests interventions aimed at eliminating or ameliorating these constraints