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North Wales Wind Farms Connection Order 2016 (S.I. No. 818 of 2016).

Juillet, 2016

This Order, made under the Planning Act 2008, provides for “development consent” for a large specific wind farm project. This project shall conform various environmental standards and plans. The undertaker of the project shall also have regard to various requirements regarding discharge of water and protection of water resources. The Order does not authorise any water discharge activities or groundwater activities for which a licence is required pursuant to regulation 12(1)(b) of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010.

Programme d’Actions du Gouvernement pour l’Emergence et le Développement Durable I (2011 - 2015)

National Policies
Décembre, 2010
Burkina Faso

Dans le cadre de relever les défis majeurs qui persistent en matière de développement du capital humain, de consolidation de la gouvernance, de la croissance ainsi que d’autres préoccupations transversales telles que la préservation de l’environnement et la promotion du genre, le Burkina Faso a élaboré le Programme d’Actions du Gouvernement pour l’Emergence et le Développement Durable (PAGEDD) pour la période 2011-2015.

Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (L.N. 45 of 207).

Décembre, 2016

These provisions lay down some amendments to the Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations as regards coordination of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority with other competent authorities.

Amends: Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations, 2013 (L.N. 10 of 2013). (2013)

Plan National Climat de la Belgique 2009 – 2012.

National Policies
Décembre, 2008

Le Chapitre 1.2 établit les objectifs du Plan National Climat. Le premier objectif du Plan National Climat consiste à formaliser les grands axes stratégiques prioritaires que la Belgique met en œuvre pour relever le défi du Protocole de Kyoto. Il s’agit d’optimiser l’impact des politiques et mesures mises en place par les différentes autorités compétentes, par le développement de synergies et d’approches complémentaires, compte tenu des compétences respectives de ces entités. A cet effet, 11 axes stratégiques ont été identifiés: Six axes stratégiques sectoriels sont dressés: 1.

Regulation amending the Regulation establishing vulnerable areas and the use and storage of fertilizers and manure fertilizers, crop rotation and implementation of erosion-control measures in these areas.

Juillet, 2007
République tchèque

This Regulation amends Annex 1 of the Regulation establishing vulnerable areas and the use and storage of fertilizers and manure fertilizers, crop rotation and implementation of erosion-control measures in these areas. This Annex specifies vulnerable areas which are geographically defined by the cadastral territory of the Czech Republic.

Implements: Water Act. (2001-06-28)
Amends: Regulation establishing vulnerable areas and the use and storage of fertilizers and manure fertilizers, crop rotation and implementation of erosion-control measures in these areas. (2003-03-03)

Special Economic Zones Regulations 2016 (L.N. No. 147 of 2016).

Juin, 2016

These Regulations implement provisions of the Special Economic Zones Act and concern the designation and administration of special economic zones. They also provide with respect to environmental impact assessment, land use planning, sustainable development and prohibition and monitoring of activities within designated zone that have an impact on the environment. A proposal for the designation of an area as a special economic zone may be submitted by any person to the Special Economic Zones Authority.

Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 2017 (L.N. 110 of 2017).

Décembre, 2016

These Regulations amend the Industrial Emissions (Framework) Regulations as regards the requirements for certain categories of installations, combustion plants, waste incineration plants or waste co-incineration plants in general binding rules that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority may adopt (see regulation 8).

Amends: Industrial Emissions (Framework) Regulations, 2013 (L.N. 9 of 2013). (2013)

National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia for 2007-2013

National Policies
Février, 2007

The National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia is a national cross-sectoral action plan of Estonia for the period 2007-2013. Its main objective is to present a consensual list of nationally prioritised activities aimed at achieving the primary goals of the environmental policy specified in the national Environmental Strategy, indicating the financing needs and discussing the most optimal use of non-budgetary funding sources.The Action Plan aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030

National Policies
Février, 2007

The Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030 is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Estonia for the period 2007-2030. Its main objective is to ensure the preservation and improvement of the Estonian living and natural environment in the areas of reduction of waste, disused hazardous sites and the pollution load; sustainable use of water and mineral resources; energy; transport; forestry; fisheries; hunting; and preservation of the diversity of nature and landscapes.The Strategy aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

The Sustainable Management of Land and Fisheries Resources Using Multicriteria Techniques: A Meta-Analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre, 2020

In recent years modern societies have attached a multifunctional requirement to the use of renewable resources, making their optimal sustainable management more complex. In the last decades, in many cases, this complexity is addressed by formulating management models with the help of the concepts and methods belonging to the well-known multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) paradigm. The purpose of this paper was to undertake a hermeneutic meta-analysis of the literature provided in primary journals on issues related to the management of these resources with the help of the MCDM paradigm.

Mise en pratique des Directives sur la gouvernance foncière et des Directives sur la pêche artisanale

Manuals & Guidelines
Avril, 2022

Le présent guide de formation a été élaboré en partenariat avec plusieurs divisions de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et FIAN International, et a été adapté du guide d’apprentissage Mise en pratique des Directives volontaires sur les régimes fonciers: Guide de formation à l’intention des organisations de la société civile, dans le but d’inclure les spécificités du secteur de la pêche artisanal.