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Countries Sri Lanka related News

Sri Lanka

Displaying 13 - 24 of 37
11 Novembre 2021
The Land Commission of 1957 was critical of the manner in which during the past two decades land had been alienated without sufficient regard to its physical character and suitability for the purpose for which it was enacted. The Land Commission of 1987 correctly emphasized that the issues which…
17 Avril 2021
Systematic effort to change Tamil areas’ demographics, alleges Batticaloa MP Shanakiyan Rasamanickam. Over the last few months, farmers of Mavadi Odai in Sri Lanka’s eastern Batticaloa district frequently spotted something crop up on their land overnight — a border stone they had not planted. “The…
25 Mars 2021
The Sri Lankan army and forestry department has continued its ban on Tamil villagers of North Nedungeeni Vedivaithakal in Vavuniya from entering the village.  Although residents in the area have proof of their lands, the army has set up camp in the village and continues to prevent people from…
29 Décembre 2020
The people of the village of Aasikulam, Vavuniya stressed the hardships caused by the Sri Lankan Forest Department seizing their land earlier this month, with around 50 families stating they had been affected.   One of the villagers said, “We depend on the agriculture to maintain our livelihoods…
30 Novembre 2020
Big projects backed by Beijing have gained fresh momentum now that the Rajapaksas have staged a political comeback   COLOMBO, Sri Lanka—China is poised to start building a $13 billion city on Sri Lanka’s seafront, as the island nation located near some of the world’s most important shipping lanes…
19 Novembre 2020
Os Prêmios de Inovação para Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Secretário-Geral da Commonwealth foram lançados para reconhecer e celebrar as contribuições que os inovadores nos setores público, privado e sem fins lucrativos estão fazendo no avanço das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável nos países da…
7 Novembre 2020
Sri Lankan morality - 40- 50% of land deeds, 20% of the birth, marriage and death certificates are reportedly forgeries; Will the President address this thieving? The Registrar General of Land Registration Mr N C Withanage stated in March 2019 that almost 40 – 50% of the land deeds in Sri Lanka…
23 Octobre 2020
Can Sri Lanka live up to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s environmental commitments? The focus on Sri Lanka’s deforestation and the conservation of forests this year can be traced back to widespread discussions about deforestation in Wilpattu  National Park back in 2019. Deforestation in…
8 Octobre 2020
The Dutch LAND-at-scale program was launched in March last year and since then, two rounds for land intervention ideas have been released. The program seeks ideas that contribute to improving land governance in developing countries, and that ultimately support better food and nutrition security,…
27 Septembre 2020
One of the ugliest features of the modern world is the exploitation of natural resources for private gain irrespective of its consequences for the environment and the larger community, especially the poor majority. Humanity has started consuming the world's natural resources faster than they can be…
4 Août 2020
    La seconde étape du projet LAND-at-scale a vu 19 embrassades néerlandaises recevoir 24 idées. Le comité en charge du projet a sélectionné les 6 idées les plus prometteuses en vue d’un développement futur    LAND-at-scale, est un programme du gouvernement néerlandais qui contribue à améliorer la…
28 Juillet 2020
The second round of LAND-at-scale resulted in 24 ideas submitted by 19 Dutch embassies. The LAND-at-scale Committee selected 6 most promising ideas to develop further.  LAND-at-scale is a government programme that contributes to improving land governance. The programme supports economic development…