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Countries Jamaïque related News


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14 Janvier 2024
Foto: David Stanley/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Por Stefanie Lauchman, Candice Stewart e Samuel Sukhnandan Este artigo foi publicado com o apoio da Caribbean Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship, que é uma parceria entre a Climate Tracker e a Open Society Foundations. De acordo com o Commonwealth Fund,…
14 Septembre 2021
Des exploitants agricoles adoptent des pratiques innovantes pour faire face au manque d’eau et transmettent leur passion pour la production d’aliments nutritifs. L’association d’agriculteurs Mount Airy Farmer’s Group est née dans les collines de Clarendon, en Jamaïque. Pour une grande partie de…
19 Novembre 2020
Os Prêmios de Inovação para Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Secretário-Geral da Commonwealth foram lançados para reconhecer e celebrar as contribuições que os inovadores nos setores público, privado e sem fins lucrativos estão fazendo no avanço das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável nos países da…
2 Mars 2017
Date: 2 March 2017 Source: Jamaica Observer PRIME Minister Andrew Holness says informal settlements or squatting cannot be used as a means for securing land tenure in Jamaica. He added that it is the orderly settlement of land which is led by the Government that will ensure Jamaicans own land…
By: Denise Dennis  Date: August 24th 2016 Source: Jamaican Information Service The Government is finalising a draft Bill to amend legislation governing land registration and ownership. Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, said amendments will be made to the Registration of Titles,…
Date: October 24th 2016 Source: Jaimaica Observer KINGSTON, Jamaica — Opposition spokesperson on land, Senator Sophia Frazer Binns, says the contentious informal settlement at 85 Red Hills Road in St Andrew is another reason to place the issue of land tenure, ownership and rectification on the…