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Countries Burundi related News


Displaying 25 - 34 of 34
11 Juin 2021
LANDac is looking for an enthusiastic, goal-oriented Project Manager who has affinity with the field of land governance and development, and is committed to making knowledge management work for more effective policy implementation, innovation and upscaling. The Project Manager coordinates the…
19 Mai 2021
O Centro de Ética Energética lançou o concurso Africa@2050 Ficção Climática, uma iniciativa para reunir escritores e pesquisadores com o objetivo de elaborar, de forma colaborativa, soluções inovadoras e de futuro para os desafios colocados pelas mudanças climáticas ao continente africano e ao…
8 Octobre 2020
The Dutch LAND-at-scale program was launched in March last year and since then, two rounds for land intervention ideas have been released. The program seeks ideas that contribute to improving land governance in developing countries, and that ultimately support better food and nutrition security,…
25 Mai 2020
The LAND-at-scale programme got a great response to the second call for ideas. The programme received 25 new ideas from 19 different countries. Support continues for enhancing land governance and tenure security. This is evident in the response and effort from embassies, NGOs and knowledge…
26 Avril 2020
Estão abertas inscrições para o Prêmio GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, que é uma competição pan-africana de jovens empreendedores (as) inovadores (as) que buscam a oportunidade de financiamento de projetos no setor agroalimentar no continente Africano.   As inscrições serão julgadas para premiar dois…
6 Juin 2019
Date: 3 juin 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, Afrique Actu Daily Le secrétaire général du Cndd-Fdd soutient qu’aucun Burundais ne doit vendre sa propriété à un étranger. Le professeur Emery Niyukuri affirme que le code foncier du Burundi ne reconnaît pas exclusivement le droit à la propriété aux…
24 Août 2017
Date : 23 août 2017 Source : Intercontact Services INTERCONTACT SERVICES recrute pour le Projet d’Amélioration de la Gestion et de la Gouvernance Foncière (GIZ-EU/PAGGF), de la GIZ Burundi ; un Expert Foncier de Terrain remplissant les conditions suivantes : avoir un diplôme universitaire dans…
14 Avril 2017
Date: 14 avril 2017 Source: Africanews Par William Bayiha Les peuples Hutu et Tutsi font les grands titres de l’actualité dans les Grands Lacs. Une exposition qui se fait au détriment des minorités ethniques telles que les Batwa. Ce peuple autochtone représente environ 1 % de la population au…
The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is a non-political organization of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of ten countries: Burundi, D. R. Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. It…
La Ruta de Aprendizaje sobre “Herramientas y enfoques innovadores para asegurar los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra” fue organizado por la Iniciativa Derechos de las Mujeres a la Tierra de la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) y Procasur en Ruanda y Burundi en febrero de…