Community / Land projects / Third Phase Community Based Rural Development Project
Third Phase Community Based Rural Development Project
12/12 - 12/18
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The objective of the Project is to enhance the capacity of rural communities and decentralized institutions for the implementation of local development plans that promote sustainable land and natural resources management and productive investments at commune level.Triggers from Phase 2 to Phase 3: Triggers from Phase 2 to Phase 3 have been met. Phase 3 will therefore consolidate the accomplishments of Phase 1 and 2 of the Community Based Rural Development Program. It will enhance the capacity of rural communities anddecentralized institutions for the implementation of local development plans that promote sustainable land and natural resources management and productive investments at commune level. This will be achieved by (i) pursuing and completing the work on institutionaldevelopment and capacity building initiated in Phase 1 and 2; (ii) implementing the rural land tenure reform law which was promulgated under Phase 2 and enhancing local dispute resolution; and (iii) social, economic and environmental investments at the commune level to reach a sustainable level; while promoting environmental sustainability in the targeted zones. Phase 3 will provide 302 ruralcommunes and the 13 regional communes with capacity building to enable them to take the lead in local development challenges and togovern in a participatory and transparent manner.