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Community / Land projects / Sugar Cane Cooperative Development

Sugar Cane Cooperative Development


01/20 - 10/20


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The project concerns the business advisory services support to Sugar Canes Cooperatives and Water Management Organizations operating in areas which follow: Mwogo Mageragere and Ntarama. For SUFACOMWO (66 members) and SUFACO NTARAMA (472 members with 8 500 tons per each year); the business scenario is that Kabuye Sugar Works Factory collects the produce directly from farmers and pays them directly through their bank accounts. Currently cooperative receives 500 Rwf from the factory for each ton supplied by its members at the end of the year through cooperativersquo;s bank account. The factory is also involved in providing inputs to the farmers. For SUFACOMA (219 members with 9 581 tons collected each year) the system of payment is the same like the previous ones a difference is that the cooperative owns a truck for transport and the members are supplying their produce on time. For these three cooperatives support is needed on the short run to in improve governance record keeping and establish financial statements. The remaining 6 SUFACOs need some more time to mature but they can receive the trainings second half of 2018. For WAMOS a training in Financial management is recommended.


To strengthen the sugar canes cooperatives to become more business oriented


The project shall be targeting 9 sugar canes cooperatives who shall be supported to improve their book keeping system improve farm record keeping local exchange visits shall be organized for the farmers to learn new cane varieties which take less time to grow and learn from fellow role model farmers . In order to improve the cooperative business model by accessing finance the stakeholder meetings shall be organized so that farmers who lack land rights up to now can get an opportunity to raise their concerns before involved authorities For the organization development the leaders and staffs who received the My Coop training will come together to share experiences on how the training action plan was implemented and which impact was created for the cooperative functioning and its role towards the members while the supervisory committees on the other side will receive coaching on the internal audit.

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