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Community / Land projects / Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa III

Multinational - Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa III


10/15 - 12/23


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The Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) is a long term Bank Program to build communities’ resilience to drought and Climate Change, improve their livelihood and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. The first project under the DRSLP was approved on 12 December 2012 for a total amount (loans and grants) of UA 83.12 million, while DRSLP II for a total amount of UA 74.98 million was approved on 26 November 2014. DRSLP II was prepared for UA 99.9 million covering Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia and Sudan, but this would have resulted in front loading of the Regional Operations (RO) Resources. Bank Management addressed the issue by deferring UA 20.00 million of the project resources from the RO window from 2014 to 2015. These are the resources that have been packaged to Project III with an aim to scale up the Program interventions in Djibouti and Sudan. The Project will be implemented in a period of 5 years and its total cost is UA 24 million, of which UA 21.5 is paid by the Bank and the remaining being the governments’ counterpart contributions.


The Project is expected to develop infrastructures for: i) water mobilization and management, and ii) agriculture and livestock production, health and marketing. It will also build the capacity of the populations and Governments of the participating countries to better cope with the effects of climate change, resources scarcity and conflicts related to resources utilization.

Target Groups

An estimated 20 million agro-pastoralists affected by drought and land degradation will directly benefit from the project. Other direct beneficiaries include the Governments of the region whose capacities will be strengthened to enhance drought resilience development, natural resources management and shared benefits, and regional integration. Women and youth will particularly benefit from the project as specific activities (including value addition) will be designed to enhance their economic and social integration/empowerment. Ultimately, these outcomes are expected to contribute to fostering peace and social resilience within the project communities and countries.

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