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Community / Land projects / GEF 6 Core Funding 2014-2017

GEF 6 Core Funding 2014-2017


11/14 - 10/17


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The Danish contribution to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) 6th replenishment amounts to 435 million DKK out of a total replenishment of 4.2 billion USD. Denmark is the 13th largest donor to GEF. GEF is the financial mechanism for a number of key international environmental conventions and agreements (climate change, international Waters, land degradation, ozone layer depletion, persistent organic pollutants, sustainable forest management and the convention on Mercury). GEF privdes grants and concessional Funding to cover the incremental or additional costs Associated with transforming a projekt with national benefits into one with global environmental benefits thereby promoting environmental sustainable development. As of today GEF is a global partnership among 183 countries, international institutions, NGOøs and the private sector. The GEF leadership is keen to place GEF prominently in the new environmental and Financial landscape including the process on developing sustainable development goals. For the same reason the GEF Council has adopted the new GEF 2020 strategy with a focus on the drivers behind environmental degradations and on synergies between activities under various conventions and agreements. The activities under GEF is currently implemented by 15 international institutions comprising multilateral banks, major UN organisations plus international non-governmental organizations.

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