Community / Land projects / Forest Value Enhancement Activity
Forest Value Enhancement Activity
01/22 - 01/27
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Solomon Islands Threshold - FOREST MANAGEMenT PROJECT - Forest Value Enhancement Activity: the Forest Value Enhancement Activity (FoVEP) aims to generate more reliable, sustainable benefits from the country's natural forest resources. The sub-activities are: (a) Forest Management through Payment for Ecosystem Services. ("PES Sub-Activity"): The objective of the PES Sub-Activity is to facilitate community-based forest and land management that is supported by a market-based payment for ecosystem services ("PES") program in participating project locations. PES programs seek to incentivize better management of ecosystems by providing payments derived from markets for accredited management outcomes. The PES Sub-Activity shall adhere to the Nakau Methodology Framework to facilitate improved environmental, social, and economic benefits derived from participation in forest-based PES market opportunities. The methodology framework was developed by the Nakau Programme to apply existing PES verification modalities and development partner requirements to the unique environmental and cultural context of the Pacific region. (b) Policy and Institutional Reforms for Alternative Forest Management. ("FoVEP FGR Sub-Activity"): The objective of the FoVEP FGR Sub-Activity is to facilitate policy and institutional reforms to improve the environmental performance, equitable sharing of benefits, and regulatory enforcement of the Solomon Islands' forest sector. Using an FGR methodology, such as PDIA or similar approach, this Sub-Activity aims to facilitate a process for incremental reform in which participants iteratively identify, prioritize, diagnose, and solve constraints to effective governance in the forest sector.