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The Land Book is organized around world-wide country-based datasets and indicators.




Country portfolios


A short video tutorial to introduce our new country pages.






Data Model






























Prefix Namespace





 A dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent (source), and available for access or download in one or more formats (definition from DCAT).


The fields of a dataset are:









  • Label: Label of the dataset.
  • Description: Description of the dataset.
  • ID: Internal ID of the dataset.
  • Organization: Organization that publish the dataset.
  • Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the dataset.
  • Related Themes: Themes related to the dataset.
  • Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the dataset.



RDF types: skos:Concept, qb:DataSet, dcat:Dataset










































Properties RDF predicates Predicate type Linked type of resource Scheme of concept
Label skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal    
Description skos:definition literal    
ID skos:notation literal    
Organization dct:publisher resource   CT: Organization
Geographical focus dct:spatial resource skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location Taxonomy: Regions
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource skos:Concept Taxonomy: Themes
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource skos:Concept Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts





A statistical indicator is a data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics (definition from OECD). Currently, the place is limited to the country level.


The fields of an indicator are:














  • Label: Label of the indicator.
  • Description: Description of the indicator.
  • Dataset: Dataset with data of this indicator
  • ID: Internal ID of the indicator.
  • Min: Minimun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
  • Max: Maximun possible value (integer) of the indicator.
  • Measurement unit: Measurement unit, like % or hectares, of the indicator.
  • has Coded Value: The values for this indicator is taken from some controlled term list (could be characters, colors, strings, numbers...) Read more
  • High / Low: High means it is better to have a high value, low means the best value is the lowest one (like in rankings).
  • Geographical focus: Geographical regions (i.e. countries) related to the indicator.
  • Related Themes: Themes related to the indicator.
  • Related LandVoc Concepts: LandVoc concepts related to the indicator.

RDF types: skos:Concept, cex:Indicator





































Properties RDF predicates Predicate type Linked type of resource Scheme of concept
Label skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal    
Description skos:definition literal    
ID skos:notation literal    
Geographical focus dct:spatial resource skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location Taxonomy: Regions
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource skos:Concept Taxonomy: Themes
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource skos:Concept Taxonomy: LandVoc concepts





An Observation represent a single indicator value for a given year and country


We consider three main dimensions for each observation:





  • Area: A geographic area (a country or a region)
  • Time: The time that is referred by that observation (usually a year or time interval)
  • Indicator: The reference indicator

An observation has a value (could be numeric or not)




Previous documentation


This is the old documentation, that is is going to be updated soon




Access to the data


All our data are made accessible in LOD and we provide a SPARQL endpoint to query them.


Your can query our endpoint at:


The SPARQL queries that have been used to retrieve the stats data in the country pages are available on gitHub.


Before import the data in the Land Portal Triple Store, the data comes from a variety of datasets. Some of them are available on landbook-importers github repository.




You can use our visualization library: View COuntry DAta (js-view-coda), which is available on GitHub


All the visualizations you saw on the Land Book pages are using this library.




Share it, get in touch. Questions? Contact us!


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Don't hesitate to conctact the Land Portal team if you have any question or suggestion.