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Impact of land security on household’s agricultural productivity in Benin

Resource information

Date of publication
Diciembre 2018
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ISBN / Resource ID

This paper studies the impact of land tenure on household agricultural productivity in Benin. Compared to households without land ownership or right to land (squatters), results show that land certificate ownership increases by 0.238 the likelihood of investing in agricultural equipment, whereas customary law ownership increases this likelihood by 0.374. The study suggests that public authorities recognise customary rights and reinforce legal land institutions. In Benin, the agricultural sector contributes 32.7 percent on average of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and by 75 percent to government revenues. It provides approximately 70 percent of employment (2013).

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Sessom, Shéïtan
Mbaye, Ahmadou Aly

Geographical focus